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@GrungeQueef @Rasterman @DailyStormerDigest Apparently Elon is preparing a super bowl ad showing all the grifts found on USAid, this is pretty brilliant, they seem to be one upping the news network in general. The shitlibs aren't that numerous, they're just loud and has shitty money behind it
Otherwise, I've argued about that somewhere else, a commenter said they're worried that them attacking, let's say, pronouns and stuff would make it "cool" again because it's "anti-establishment" again as they're outright mandating them out of the government
However, IMO, they being mandated in the government in the first place was ultimately the ultimate "consent" to shove it everywhere else, so I dunno about that. There just simply had to be something done, and showing the money and the grifts behind all of that is a really good start
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@coolboymew @Rasterman @DailyStormerDigest @GrungeQueef >Otherwise, I've argued about that somewhere else, a commenter said they're worried that them attacking, let's say, pronouns and stuff would make it "cool" again because it's "anti-establishment" again as they're outright mandating them out of the government
for it to become ""cool" again", it would've needed to be cool to begin with, i seriously doubt that shit will ever gain traction as counter-culture shit or something, it's just extremely clunky, confusing and the only people who will keep it up will be people that use it as an excuse to start shit flinging fits
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@coolboymew @Rasterman @DailyStormerDigest Tumblr seemed to have either started as a kike social laboratory or as some sort of new social primer and it worked until people started to get sick of it these days. Most of us were very wary of it all when it first started, hence GamerGate, and that all led us down the JQ rabbit-hole on sites like 4chan /pol/ and DailyStormer.
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@coolboymew @Rasterman @DailyStormerDigest My concern with Trump and Musk's attack on the Far-Left and (((social justice))) is that they might just piss people off and fan the flames instead of suppress it. Shit might come back with a vengeance if a dem wins. Faggots are already starting to blame White men for all the world's problems again despite those attitudes having waned the past few years like a once viral meme or joke that was aging out of popularity. Hopefully the USAID cuts are enough to destroy that far-left poison for good.
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@DailyStormerDigest @coolboymew @Rasterman I personally believe it was Tumblr that corrupted everything. It started out as the hot new site after MySpace turned to shit and Facebook was no longer the exclusive hangout of college kids after it got opened to everyone. Tumblr started out as the site to find cool gifs and hot scene and post-scene girls but then it seems like it got turned into some faggy SJW feminist BLM site overnight sometime in the Spring of 2013 suspiciously when Obama's 2nd term started. The fact all the media promoted that SJW shit everywhere shortly after makes me think it was all an (((inside job))) to faggotize everything and destroy straight White men.
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@GrungeQueef @Rasterman @DailyStormerDigest As far as I'm aware, everything that Tumblr "became" was already all present on Livejournal. The real question is: What exactly caused it to go nuclear? Well, considering the recent revelations about USAid, it's probably a whole lot of shitty NGOs and astroturfing suddenly getting loads and loads of money
Here's the big irony: A lot of these people constantly complaining about ecchi, sexual depictions, muh male gaze, well, the worst of them all fucked off to Twitter when the porn ban came temporarily on Tumblr. Real fucking strange isn't it?
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@coolboymew @Rasterman The Christians you speak of were correct to worry about entertainment's influence on their kids. They just picked some dumb targets.
White nerds rolling dice and telling stories were never a problem. Heck, have the kids do that and never watch the idiot box, and they'd instantly turn out a lot better.
The violent video games thing was pretty much Mortal Kombat, then panic over first person shooters after Columbine. To be fair, MK was and is pretty violent. I don't know if it was worth Congressional inquiries, but I could see not wanting that franchise to be marketed to kids. I myself haven't had much interest in the new entries, because there was an absurdism with the gore being rendered with sprites that rendered it tolerable. Seeing it with 4K polygons just becomes distasteful.
Harry Potter always struck me as silly to be worried about. Maybe if the kids were actually using it as an excuse to dabble in Ouija boards, what would be one thing. It was just silly wizardry. A tactical misfire to direct time and effort against it.
If I am being further charitable, the FCC and other Fed agencies had basically outlawed real talk about fags and nogs by that point, so maybe these moral panickers (I'm making that a word) had to settle on other things to worry about.
One could probably write a book about where everything went wrong, but I'd say the short version is the breakdown of family cohesion due to Jewish supported social policies, resulting in the idiot box raising kids, and Jewish propaganda shaping their minds. Simple as.
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@coolboymew @Rasterman Devil's advocate: if you go generation by generation, pretty much every old timer warning new entertainment thing X was corrupting the moral fiber of the youth turned out to be right.
That said, being worried about Pokemon, Harry Potter, and violent video games instead of dialing up race awareness and even more bigotry against fags was unfortunate.
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@DailyStormerDigest @Rasterman I dunno, depends on the extent of it, and I wonder if those "corrupted" wouldn't have ended up doing other shitty things anyways
But D&D, Pokemon and Harry Potter and violent video games to a certain extent (Although, the "I play M rated games because I'm a mature boy" era really was fucking shit) really truly weren't it
I'd argue being a kid during the "edgy" 90s/00s era was fucking fantastic, but alas
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@Rasterman There's always plenty of retards to go around, but to deny the satanic panic...
Hell, it survived until the early 00s. I recall news reports of priest going around about Pokemon and Harry Potter being satanic. There's probably some poor kids who couldn't play/read/watch the movie of these because of that. I'd argue the late 90s/early 00s soccer mom stuff and at the end of it, the end of the Jack Thompson crusade, probably were the last vestige of it