@LukeAlmighty Negative vs Positive rights are a basic distinction that so many don't get.
I'm not actually opposed to certain positive rights of sorts, a child has a right to a caring father and mother, and husband and wife are obligated to each other to fulfill their respective roles.
But this doesn't scale to state in the same way, religious comunes like monasteries have functioned within both feudal and capitalist states. But comunes are unable to self-subsist outside these supporting systems. In contrast South Africa collapses, yet Orania can completely self-subsist with no external systems.
Positive rights are dependent on someone being obligated to provide you something, in marriage you opt to make a mutual contract, and childbirth is followed by rearing. In the case of state, your just kind of bound by a "social contract" apparently signed by your forefather's ghost.
@Forestofenchantment@KaiserKitty@azure A steak is normie food, basically anyone will like it but I whould struggle to call it "Slop". Offen it's really the "complex" art films that normies will think is deep slow burning gem, simply because they don't understand it.
It's the same with English, you use some esoteric inkhorn from Latin or Greek and people think you're some savant. Esoteric is effectively a meaningless word in our tongue, "hidlike" or "lone known" is much simpler but I whould argue it's better, as don't you need to study a second tongue to understand it's roots. False complexity is offen a mask for Slop
@Morghur@sickburnbro So many Lesbians just come across as auto-androphiles, that play out their idea of the male sex which seems to fixate on domination and abuse. It's the same mindset seen in AGP.
@kirby@theorytoe Sense "sexist" is a default, how do they define it? If being "sexist" is an innate mental trait inherently tied to sex, then what's the problem with discriminating based on sex?
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@transgrammaractivist@matty@Myles@reloadedAK@sickburnbro I guess that's our point of divide, I want a white collective though free of association and private property. While you want it via government force. My problem is actually maintaining a righteous government. To me i would prefer the ability for people own private property to develop their own private communities without forced integration by the state. The unrighteous ones would be filtered by property rights, and each person could afford arms within their property to protect in from degenerates. If one community falls, it's easy for another to raise, but if the state corrupts it's a much harder fight.
@lina I have a vague idea of a story where eons ago a group of humans manage to reach a comet that passes earth the every few eons. This group would form a sort of Monastery dedicated to recording the earth's formation and the advent of man. Then eons later when the comet returns to earth, the powers on earth seize their recordings because it goes against the state "approved" doctrines.
@PunishedD@PurpCat@RustyCrab@sneeden I mostly use Anna's Archive if I'm looking for a book. It's the entire database is a large torent consisting of a mirror of various shadow libraries. For sites like IA it use a scraper for "digital lending" books.
@LukeAlmighty@Kyou@WashedOutGundamPilot NTs don't really need to think about mental frameworks, because of the majority of people they talk to use the same one. If you don't use that mental framework, you need to constantly consider others people's frameworks to communicate anything. They simply lack the practice we have.
Basically facial hair is similar to makeup in one way, but the analogy falls apart from any other lense. Kyou is correct that singular sense, but Luke is correct is the wider sense.
@LukeAlmighty The thing with pooners is that unlike the majority of "transwomen" , most of them manage to pass as "male" and now actually have to face the reality most men deal with. Which is dissonant with their autoandrophilc idea of being "male".