@PunishedD@RustyCrab@sneeden speaking of archive.org there's a huge happening apparently some guy found a BBS backup tape full of scene releases of old windows/DOS betas and they're being dumped on IA.
@PurpCat@sneeden I don't know the details of the case but I imagine it probably had something to do with the fact that libraries are state sanctioned explicitly. Do libraries normally have to work out deals with the publishers or was IA just grabbing random shit and lending it?
@RustyCrab@PurpCat@sneeden Libraries and archives have explicit carveouts to copyright. IA basically said "yo we're a library" and started lending out virtual copies of books, a similar system to what actual libraries do. The lawsuit said the organization doesn't meet the traditional definition of a library, courts agreed, so they don't get the copyright and virtual lending rights.
I think they're still recognized as a proper archive though, or it hasn't been challenged hard in court yet.
@RustyCrab i dunno, the system they had in place worked like a library but digital. They encrypted the books and also restricted access according to availability. That said, their system is shitty and inefficient compared to piracy.
Those who stick to play by the rules of a broken game stay losing as always
@mint@PunishedD@RustyCrab@sneeden for context this is just some of the shit that's been found from this dump alone, aside from windows 1.x stuff, MS-DOS 4 Multitasking, and more.
@mint@RustyCrab@sneeden@PunishedD yeah most of this shit is way before longhorn but there are some gems in there like a windows 95 beta so old, people mistook it as a WFW 3.11 beta back in the day
@PurpCat@RustyCrab@sneeden@SockPuppet@PunishedD IA also tagged the digital copies and had a physical one in a shelf, with DRM added to track lending. basically like real online libraries do, they just didn't get licenses before doing it :ablobcatgooglytenor:
though i saw some of these book scanners back in the day. hobbyists started doing it, rigging canon cameras with magic lantern and all that.
nowadays you can buy some chinese rigs for this off amazon (lmao)
This isn't a joke. None of their shit is scraped. They have a high end setup using mirrorless cameras and a special machine they've made to do it, sometimes they will send books to China even to do it.
@PunishedD@PurpCat@RustyCrab@sneeden I mostly use Anna's Archive if I'm looking for a book. It's the entire database is a large torent consisting of a mirror of various shadow libraries. For sites like IA it use a scraper for "digital lending" books.