Can someone please verify if praying at home is illegal in Scotland? I don't know if I should believe it. On one hand, these European governments are comprised of retards. On the other hand, even the dumbest of retards would know that kind of law in unenforceable.
@eliasr JD Vance made that claim. I took that claim with healthy skepticism because I know that even the "right" will exaggerate or make up stuff. But then, I was told it was partially true because Scotland has "buffer zones" which prohibit praying in a certain vicinity around an abortion clinic and that vicinity could extent to private property outside of the clinic's property (e.g someone's home).
@sun I just wish that people would just simply treat it as a decentralized alternative to payment processors and leave it at that. I know GNU Taler exists but from my understanding it only works if your bank/credit union implements it.
@monarchist James Corbett has done videos about him, exposing the shady things he done over the years. Personally, I think him buying out Twitter/X with plans to make it the "everything app" is just a Trojan Horse for Digital ID.
Peter Theil is a shitty technocrat LARPing as a libertarian to make himself look like one of the good guys. He has made his fortune off of government and military contracts, including mass surveillance tools for Israeli intelligence. James Corbett has made a series of articles documenting Peter Theil and his career, showing how he is no better than Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab:
People REALLY need to start calling out these controlled opposition technocrats like Peter Theil and Elon Musk. I'm tired of people falling for their traps.
Oh. It turns out that this was just in response to an anonymous spam post that just said "NIGGER BALLS" which got enough people triggered that they had to write this lengthy blog post in response. I kid you not.
Well it looks like Codeberg is following the footsteps of SourceHut. I mean, I always knew that they would ban people for promoting Nazism, but at least that has a clear definition. "Far-right" is extremely vague and according to the highlighted text in the first image, it seems like they are standing against right-wingers in general. Are they going to ban people for having moderately conservative views, not being against capitalism, being pro-gun, or being into conspiracy theories? Given, that the CEO is also friends with Drew DeVault, this does seem likely.
It seems like this blog post was in response to some harassment campaigns against certain project maintainers, but the final paragraph is extremely vague. It implies that they might purge any "far-right" (or simply "right-wing") user off of their platform. Again, the CEO is friends with Drew DeVault who goes out of his way to eliminate anyone he disagrees with from the FLOSS community, including moderate right-wingers, even if they promote those views off-site.
At this point, it's probably best that you just self-host your projects, if you can.
@Zergling_man@grey I get your reasoning, but I feel like the "don't buy any new x" is just a band-aid solution as all cars eventually die and given that a lot of people are fed up with the bullshit of new cars, I see used car prices skyrocketing in the coming years.
There truly is an untapped market for dumb cars, but given the heavy regulations in the car industry that prevents any newcomers, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Has anyone else noticed that the same people who are criticizing generative AI for "stealing" people's intellectual property are the same people who were claiming that copyright is an outdated concept, years ago?
@LukeAlmighty I don't think black people actually get that treatment during black history month. It's mostly to honor famous black people throughout history. I never see any of my black peers getting any special treatment during this month.
I love how socialists hate Elon Musk and many right-libertarians love Elon Musk, despite him technically being the biggest welfare recipient in the world.