@TheMadPirate@icedquinn I think there is a pretty good reason why so many people would rather use self-checkout lanes. People would rather interact with a machine than someone giving out fake smiles.
I really hate the whole concept of body language. It's just basically you unconsciously expressing yourself and even then, it doesn't paint an accurate picture of what you are truly thinking or feeling. Some people are oblivious to it while others are extremely sensitive to it.
When I was a kid, I got in trouble multiple times for "displaying inappropriate body language to teachers" and I never knew what I did wrong.
@djsumdog@icedquinn@skylar@H_A_Copington I think the real solution is to get the right amount of vitamins in. Vitamin B6 + Magnesium can produce serotonin naturally.
@icedquinn RFK Jr is right about almost everything related to food, but I feel like people are putting way too much faith in him. There are plenty of alternative food and drinks that don't use seed oils or beet sugars and they aren't that expensive. You don't even need to go to a farmer's market or health food store to buy them, just shop in the outer perimeter of your store. Meijer has a huge selection of cane sugar sodas.
@Suiseiseki@RustyCrab@ooignignoktoo@sun I know that the open-source movement has corporate interests involved but the other part of the reason why there was a split was because people thought that Stallman was simply advocating for freeware, due to the name confusion. I'd argue that there wouldn't be a split if Stallman simply called it the "Libre Software Movement". And it's not like Stallman is against people profiting off of "free software".
@ooignignoktoo@RustyCrab@Suiseiseki@sun This guy is just taking everything Richard Stallman says as gospel, not realizing that the is a reason why the community split back in 1998. Personally, I think the "open source" movement also has flaws, but Stallman using the term "free software" to define his idea of software respecting user's freedom was a terrible mistake. FOSS seems to take the best of both worlds.
@Indigo@icedquinn >Atlas Shrugged is just too damn bloated though, I got through it, but I understand why a lot of people just can't finish it; you really need to be at least 60% with her in order to get into it
That's such a shame, otherwise I would recommend it, not to convert people necessarily, but to debunk some other shitty claim: that the science fiction genre is and has always been about Fully Automated Luxury Space Communism.
>That said, I think "the charity question," is pretty cleanly explained in AS, basically charity is only immoral if you're giving against your interests, if you're donating to a charity that will ultimately lead to a long term benefit for you in some way that's still kosh (EG: donating to a homeless shelter because having people sleeping in the streets is bad for business, so you're ultimately helping yourself by helping other people).
Of course most businesses would only ever donate out of their own self-interest, but when it comes to individuals I don't think donating to something that won't benefit you is immoral. Ultimately, people do selfless acts because it makes them feel good, so there really is no such thing as doing something against your self-interest. Though I do understand the dangers of being too altruistic where people take advantage of you. I know that from experience.
@Indigo@icedquinn I honestly don't care. I don't think it's fair to strawman libertarianism with any of her quotes because while she had a lot of influence on libertarianism, the fact of the matter is is that she never called herself a libertarian (in fact she even opposed it) and Libertarianism and Objectivism are ultimately separate ideologies.
From what I understand, pure-Objectivists don't even believe in private charity because that goes against someone's self-interests while Libertarians are okay with that as long as it's voluntary. To me, it just seems like her view is the embodiment of most strawman arguments against libertarianism: the idea that libertarians are (or want to be) anti-social hermits who are against altruism.
Personally, I never read any of her works. I've been told that her works are hard to read and understand, and those who have claimed to have read them are just LARPing.
@djsumdog@PurpCat >Do you happen to have the PDF for "Nobody Died at Sandyhook"? It's been removed from the archive. I do not. I wasn't even aware that, and I never read that.
I've heard rumors about The Internet Archive censoring things, but I don't know the full extent of their policies. These recordings are just Adam Lanza's philosophical rants on culture and conformity. He never said anything about wanting to kill anyone else but himself. They're just philosophical ramblings on anarcho-primitivism, anti-culture, and anti-natalism.
The only new arcade games with any effort put in to them seem to be Japan-only, but it seems to be mostly rhythm games.
I was mostly talking about the 6th gen when arcade games truly started to decline and consoles still primarily used memory cards. It would've at least incentivize people to go to arcades because they could unlock and download new content for their console games that way.
@PurpCat The Sandy Hook families (assuming the event was real and organic) need to listen to Adam Lanza's philosophical rants from his (now deleted) YT account.
@PurpCat@arc@Mr_NutterButter It's pretty sad really. A lot of these Poastoids are probably younger than I am, and they probably only know Internet culture for getting into shitty arguments with people online, constantly having to pick a side on every issue, and trying to make a lolcow out of everyone they disagree with.
@PurpCat@arc@Mr_NutterButter Poastoids fight over the most retarded shit. It's part of the reason why I mostly stopped caring about the "dissident right". Link related.
@lina Might as well. I tried another font, this time from 1001fonts and the same problem persisted, though I have no idea why it's showing three squares instead of one.
The prologue text was AI generated because up until recently, this game didn't have a story at all (it's just a practice game for something bigger). I decided that the end game item should be a mirror after someone suggested it, so I had ChatGPT write a quick prologue to give a backstory.
@lina There aren't that many TTF fonts on OpenGameArt.org and implementing bitmap fonts would be difficult in SFML. Though, I don't like this font anyway because no matter what strings you display, the text will always be in all caps.