Not bad for just over half a year's progress. Finally below 440lbs and I'm almost on track to hit this year's goal. Once I'm below 400 I'll have gone from my weight starting with a 5 to a 3 in less than a year! I share my thoughts and reflections on my site if you're curious.
Thank you :blob_raccoon_heart: I can definitely say I feel transformed for the better already. I'm beginning to really feel more capable and things that felt too hard are starting to become a lot easier. I'm getting more excited about pushing forward and getting stronger. I still have so much to learn and a lot more progress to make, but I'm very grateful for what's been done so far.
Is it really possible to load a symbol from an external .svg file? The docs imply it should be possible, but I've never got it to work in practice. I know you can place the sprites into the page itself, but a separate file never seems to work. #svg#webdev
I really liked the Hated One's new video on the UK being a surveillance dystopia, but his insistence that "selfhosting isn't a solution, you'll get hacked!" felt really dumb. I understand the point that your average hobbyist doesn't actually have the time to properly secure everything, but there's a huge difference between running dozens of services and using mostly offline-first software. The answer definitely is self-hosting in some form, telling people to install Signal and use Tor does nothing other than shift the burden of effort. As far as I'm concerned the ideal solution is to address the problems with self-hosting and how the software ecosystem unnecessarily introduces vulnerabilities.
☢️ Nuclear #Libertarian ✝️?? I’m a geek who is passionate about decentralizing power into the hands of the people.Very much an idealist and still have much to learn.Banner image by: Vyzzie out @lsn#Canada #Freedom #Linux #Tech