Actually not happy about this because I have some app settings I'll need to do over again but at least I use mostly #FOSS apps that are available on #Linux so I'll be able to reinstall everything I had before in my #Linux environment except my #DRM removal tools and some of my games
I also have a secondary drive I'll try to put #Windows11 on so if I REALLY need #Windows11 I'll be able to boot to that as well
Off the bat, one observation: #Windows11 is a PAIN to install. I had a completely unformatted drive and the installer couldn't install the OS on it until I went into the command line and "cleaned" the drive. Compare this to #ZorinOS, which installed without crying at all.
On top of this, the #Windows11 installation is taking twice as long as the #ZorinOS installation. For #ZorinOS I chose to run updates upon install, but #Windows11 forces me to run the updates. Nonetheless, installing #Windows11 alone took slightly longer than installing both #ZorinOS and its updates. I gave my younger sibling a bath, it was taking so long (I'm not even joking!). It's installing the updates now, but that's taking about as much time as installing #Windows11 did. 😮💨
I'm installing #Windows11 in large part because it's good for me to have some version of #Windows, but if I can magically make my #DRM removal tools and games run on #Linux, I'll be kissing #Windows goodbye almost completely.
Strange, after installing #Windows11 on the other hard drive, I can't boot to #ZorinOS on the main drive. Apparently not installing the version with the right graphics drivers causes issues later? So I'm reinstalling it, with the #NVIDIA drivers. This one is on me I think 😂
Funnily enough I had a lot of trouble getting #VirtualBox to boot off of my #Windows11 ISO. I switched to #QEMU and it’s working like a charm (if “working by a charm” means waiting for an hour to get #Windows11 installed lol)
So, finally, 24 hours after my completed crashed, I have most things mostly set up, excluding fine-tuning ofc. I have so much set up inside of my #Windows11#QEMU environment inside of #ZorinOS that I doubt I'll be dual booting into #Windows11 on the other drive I have. That'll just be an emergency environment, in case my #Linux distro crashes or dies or something.
@gnu2@realcaseyrollins He effectively ended the #USA’s war against #ISIS. He also made preparations and moves towards getting the #USA out of #Afghanistan, although he was talked out of moving forward with this plan several times
@icedquinn@Natsura Somehow I forgot about this, there was a law that passed and was signed by #JoeBiden to ban #TikTok, it’s in the hands of #SCOTUS but they might not rule on it before it goes into effect.