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2024 is the year which christianity utterly dies and Volkisch Traditions awaken among our Aryan Volk.
"See that Mein Führer, your spirit has risen again as the Aryan Avatar, once more among the Aryan people they seek Traditions that are Racially their own, the Volkisch Awakening is happening and it was your efforts that fought for and gave them this knowledge". :windmilloffriendship:
- Tij repeated this.
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@moomin 2024 is the year in which esoteric hitlerism utterly dies and Brony Traditions awaken among out Aryan Ponybros.
"See that Mein Celestia, your spirit has risen again as the Aryan Avatar, once more among the Aryan people they seek Traditions that are Racially their own, the Brony Awakening is happening and it was your efforts that fought for and gave them this knowledge". :windmilloffriendship: