You can publish your location to a Nextcloud instance and view it on a map in it's web UI, or there's the PhoneTrack app that can be used for that. There's some annoying bugs for the tracking/logging in PhoneTrack itself, so I've played around with GPSLogger on my android phone, and it works great.
I have not tried OSMAnd for it, yet, but I believe it will also publish to Nextcloud.
Q9. There might be another small influx of people escaping another eccentric-billionaire-owned platform. Should we be reaching out to bring more people to the Fediverse? If so, what can we do?
this is a very catholic cis white lady who grew up in alberta and heavily values family, by the way. in no way did i EVER expect her to act like this. and she has had a clearly positive impact on ALL the trans people on campus because of this.
It does seem like Silicon Valley firms maneuvering politically right now could be sacrificing billions of global users to retain… I guess the ability to do what they want for a while longer with 300 million users. It would be interesting to know how much they gamed it out.
My grandfather worked at bicycle maker Fongers in Groningen, Netherlands for a while. He had the most marvellous bike shed, full of tools and gadgets. He was riding a "brommer" (moped) when I knew him, and had a setup of bottles and cans all hooked together with hoses and valves that he used to mix the gasoline and oil for the brommer. I'm sure the fumes made the whole thing an out-of-body experience, and my dad always wondered that he didn't blow up the whole neighbourhood.
The "fiets lepels" (bike spoons), along with the Simson patch kit, were a present from my grandfather, back in 1972. And I have no idea how long he had them in his bike shed before that...
Here I am, a whole week's #BikeNite late in answering my own question... A3: Here's my #BikeBag, what's in the side pouch, the contents of the patch kits, and what's in the main bag. Missing are the lights and odometer, which are in my helmet hanging up in the hallway. The fully loaded bag probably weighs 5kg kg 11lbs, at least as much as a bag of potatoes. I should really cut down on what I carry,..
Initially, the ERRE committee was composed of just Liberals and Conservatives. There was a huge outcry from both parliamentarians and voters, then the membership of the committee was adjusted to be proportional to the party representation in the House of Commons.
The Minister of Democratic Reform, Maryan Monsef, had litte to no say in either the initial or final makeup of the ERRE committee.
The Liberals have been dangling #ElectoralReform in front of voters since 1923. There have been at least a dozen studies on PR since 1960, and several Citizens Assemblies (although at the provincial level). By 2015 the time for study and reflection was over, and it was appropriate for the ERRE commission to make a decision.
Which they did.
Then the Liberal government made a unilateral decision to ignore the report and act counter to the will of the voters.
> Each party wanted a different system and no one would budge.
Incorrect. The NDP and Greens wanted #ProportionalRepresentation, the Conservatives wanted FPTP. The Conservatives finally compromised on PR on the condition there be a referendum, on which the NDP and Greens compromised.
The Liberals wanted Alternative Vote, ranked ballots in a winner-take-all system, and wouldn't compromise.
So three out of four parties agreed, it was only the Liberals who refused to budge.
@mariellequinton@andrew@johnefrancis The PM didn't say [this morning that] he supported #ElectoralReform ; he supported a particular type of electoral reform, #RankedChoiceBallots . But there was no multi-party support for that system, and he was right that it shouldn't have been implemented in the absence of such support.
You have readers. I used to subscribe to your RSS feed, but haven't been reading much in my browser the last few years, so I'll add it to my #Feeder reader on my phone.
Yes, we want photos of the new digs!
Also of #LittleGuy, if you (and he and Ellen) are OK with online kid pics.
And I must catch up on some of those mainstream media cultural touchstones.
Fan of #aNONradio, computer wrangler, #SysAdmin, #GreenParty politicus, #Biking, #CommunityRadio techie. Located in #WaterlooRegion, #Ontario, #Canada. This account is for fun things. Serious political stuff can go on @bobjonkmangreen (edit: I have failed at avoiding serious topics here. I'm now full tilt on this account, prepare for computery stuff, social justice, politics, climate, &c.)he/him/hisAvatar: Bob with crossed eyes and tongue sticking outBanner: Victoria Glen Park