And this will continue to happen to journalism, so support local papers and for fuck's sake, start blogging on your own website. Hey journalists, blogs exist and could be a fantastic independent outlet for you all!
I just paid a developer to make a static site compatible version of my accessible Wordpress CSS so I can eat Pizza with my offline hacker friends instead of coding and I decided I win at capitalism.
To everyone mad that we keep pointing out that #Bluesky is another VC backed thing and why do we gotta yuck other's yums, and all that jazz, someone said it better than I ever could.
If you don't want to learn to use technology, other people will use it for you, and they will use it to place you under their thumbs in a way that makes it as impossible to switch to something else as they can.
You choosing to ignore these things didn't stop Twitter and Facebook, did it?
Very pleased to see I was already doing a number of these! Even though you don’t hear about it from me often, this is a issue I am very passionate in and is why I am offline more than I am online. I am very proactive offline. 56 Small Tasks to Be Proactive Against Book Censorship in 2025 and Beyond: Book Censorship News, January 3, 2025
2 tricks I recently discovered will make your web browsing 1 trillion times better, faster, and ironically, more accessible in some cases.
Disable CSS. I’m not joking. This one has accessibility benefits that I did not know exist until I browsed the web with CSS disabled. When you disable CSS, it makes browsing flyout menus 1 trillion times easier. It also makes browsing website navigation a lot easier as well for menus that don’t work on mobile and otherwise. It’s easier to tell what’s hidden and what’s not, like banners and stuff. I’ve actually been browsing the web with CSS disabled for a while now and I don’t regret it. If you do rely on contrast controls though, I don’t recommend you do this because if you disable CSS, things will become very high contrast which could make it very bad for people with a stigmatism.
Disable Javascript. This one is a little more common. There have been articles about what it was like browsing the web without JavaScript for like a week. This will break 80% of things on the web, but in my opinion, if your website doesn’t work without JavaScript, your website is Broken. It’s not an issue with my configurations. Disabling JavaScript will just make your entire web browsing a lot better. Very few pop-ups if even at all, you get rid of most pay walls, you don’t have any distractions, pages load lightning fast, you don’t have any annoying junk slowing down the page after it loads, you stop pages from changing after the page loads, and, the best part, you get rid of every accessibility overlay ever.
I recommend that you make a second profile in your browser with those two things disabled, so that way, you can switch between profiles when you want to interact with the web again.
Never, ever, believe a CEO's team when they tell you we'll never do something! #Despite what they say here, I think Bluesky will be pay to play before 2030. Meanwhile, I'll continue with my podcasts and RSS feeds and open mediums
@_elena I would recommend others try PikaPods too. You choose the software you want them to host, you choose the specs and the bandwidth and more and they will set up an environment for you, fully managed. It’s more instantaneous and cheaper but it’s a great way to get others involved
Other authors, you are limiting your reach by just posting your announcements on social media. Your website will be more accessible and will make it easier for others to find updates. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve missed out on recommending work to authors because they announced it on social media and not their own website. Besides, your social media post isn’t reaching a global audience anyway because it requires a login to see your post. Your website has no such requirement. #Publishing#Author#Marketing
Remember when everyone mocked us and said we were tech bros for thinking about the privacy of starter packs before adding them? BlueSky users are now realizing that you can’t remove yourself from a starter pack. People are making starter packs with the explicit intention of making targets to harass. They’re trying to change this, the users, but as of right now, it’s not going over very well. Here is an older post about it
I'm a blind and gay romance writer that loves fiction podcasts, audiobooks, cookies, and cats! I follow more hashtags than people. Because I take frequent social media breaks, the best way to reach me quickly is via my website or email.