So what does it needs to impeach him?
Have no knowledge about this whatsoever. Am not from USA.
Really curious.
Notices by Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:25:07 JST Gondor
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:25:06 JST Gondor
@ATLeagle @DebErupts Somehow i get the impression there will be no (real/fair/democratic) voting in 2 years. 🤔 😬
Good luck 🤞
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Sunday, 26-Jan-2025 00:20:25 JST Gondor
@wonkothesane @aral The latter could(/will?) even happen before anything else - when the ICE follows the plans re undocumented people.
Farmers won't be able to deliver.
And in addition bc all planned cuts the meat production will face the same.So either way the US is fucked (by oligarchs that is) and with the US citizens the allies.
So the sooner you'll "sort this out" the better for everybody.Good luck 🤞
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Sunday, 26-Jan-2025 00:20:23 JST Gondor
@wonkothesane @aral In my pov nobody(?) seem to realise:
With that group of oligarchs the orange guy is backed by the most powerful companies of the planet. They can switch of satellites (communication), restrict internetfunctions (cloudservices...) restrict trades (Amazon...) and functions in OS (MS, Apple...)... Not to forget, global institutions like ICANN, UN... are based in US.
With such uninhibited egos EVERYTHING is possible, proven every day.
Btw. #panamacanal means tradecontrol. -
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 04:19:11 JST Gondor
@glynmoody Ssshhh....
Let them fight. 😎 😁 -
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Friday, 10-Jan-2025 20:17:26 JST Gondor
@sixtus 👍 Andererseits fände ich es keine schlechte Idee bei Fotos der genannten (und ähnlichen) eine CW zu benutzen. Nur der allgemeinen ...Stimmung wegen. 😉
🖖 -
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 12:34:23 JST Gondor
@notroot @lovelylovely @TruthSandwich tbh as a european i just thought about your troops stationed all over the world😬 doing their so much at home appreciated service.
Would be curious to know how they'll react to hear relatives and friends treated according to the #project2025
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Saturday, 09-Nov-2024 02:45:32 JST Gondor
@micchiato Would really appreciate ANY other source than #fckX 🤨
Seriously. -
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Monday, 04-Nov-2024 11:46:35 JST Gondor
@jeffowski So you must be one of those "shiny happy people" then. Wait a sec .... 😎
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Monday, 21-Oct-2024 20:34:04 JST Gondor
@vegos_f06 @netzpolitik_feed Das letzte Mittel natürlich.
Es sollte aber eben nicht die Regel sein (müssen)!(deshalb das "!" nach "reguläre")
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Monday, 21-Oct-2024 20:13:32 JST Gondor
@netzpolitik_feed Die Frage ist offenbar nicht wie wir dagegen "Druck aufbauen" 🙄🤪 sondern was wir praktisch dagegen tun können.
Ganz allgemein gesprochen, was wir gegen EntscheiderInnen und deren ständige Aktionen gegen Verfassungs- und EU Recht tun können.Gerichte #BVG sollten in einer Demokratie nicht das reguläre(!), letzte Mittel sein um verfassungswidriges(!) zu verhindern.
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Saturday, 24-Aug-2024 19:26:11 JST Gondor
Wer in den 60er oder 70er Jahren des letzten ...äh Jahrtausend geboren ist, der/die hat die KOMPLETTE "Computerisierung" unserer heutigen (Consumer)Welt miterlebt, angefangen von den ersten Taschenrechnern (noch mit knackenden, mechanischen Tasten...) #Floppydiscs #Fax #Nadeldrucker #Videotext #TastentelefonMacht sich ja auch kaum jemand jemals klar.🤔
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Friday, 19-Jul-2024 06:56:07 JST Gondor
@AnarchoNinaWrites ..followed by a planetwide "rippleeffect" not only because US troops are everywhere. 😱
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Gondor (grootinside@troet.cafe)'s status on Sunday, 14-Jul-2024 14:20:36 JST Gondor
@asphaltflausch Und all das erinnert mich irgendwie sehr an den Film "wag the Dog".😬
Derweil Orban eine Diktator Rundreise macht... Putin - Xi - Trump.
Hat jemand ne Aluhut für mich? 🤪