@GottaLaff how many show trials and tv shows are going to be needed to find out that she did exactly what she says she did. Told people their legal rights, what the laws say, and how those have been interpreted and applied.
I'm more interested in watching the now anti-woke dems run away from defending her.
@NNN@Unixbigot@Affekt my understanding is that if time off is accrued, then it is salary and must be paid. If you have grants or unlimited time off then it's not.
@Rihilism it's below freezing here today, but a recent warm stretch means I have quince, daffodils, camelia, and tulip magnolia blossoms, and a few other unknown volunteers, all over the place. They will be burned so badly.
@AlJazeera@us-canada-news-AlJazeera so al Jazeera is now fully of the might makes right side of things? I will never be convinced that giving dictators everything they want just because they have nukes and use scary words. It isn't people defending themselves that will cause WW3, it's the attackers. Every time
"Personally, I believe in the light of King's powerful demagogic speech yesterday he stands head and shoulders over all other Negroid leaders put together when it comes to influencing great masses of Negroes. We must mark him now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro, and national security."
FBI Deputy Director William Sullivan, after watching the "I have a Dream" speech.
@Unixbigot@Affekt another piece of this from a similar situation... I hoard vacation time instead of taking time off, because they HAVE to pay that out if/when I get canned. I'm not the only one in IT who acts like this, because we have all been burned
Why are there no new nursery rhymes? Who decided that? A moratorium and we're just stuck with ring a ring a roses and oranges and lemons said the bells of Saint Clements. I could make up new nursery rhymes. Perhaps this is where I make my fortune. Kids rhymes about really really awful things. Literally every thought I've just had is way too bad to post here. I am very very sorry for my brain. What is a newish lighthearted terribly tragedy? Perhaps there being too many potholes in the UK? What rhymes with potholes (apart from plot holes)? Profiteroles?
🎵 Hundreds of hairy moles like to jump out of potholes. When will they fix 'em, asked the people of Brixham. 🎵
@DharmaDog whoa. Half the reason we are in this mess of a backlog is from back when McConnell wouldn't allow votes. This is some 72d problem solving. Or idiocy