@wingedhussar@Shadowman311 this nigga knows. I too wonder how many of the public billionaires are in fact just portfolio managers for the banker families.
I agree with the sentiment. Unfortunately "Don't Tread On Me" is basically emblematic of this, and it's throwing out threats from a position of weakness. It's a cope. Yeah we're all coping and it's cope or rope out there, but seeing someone who's been trodden all over and dicked down coping with a Gadsden flag is pathetic. Let's not threaten our enemies - let's undo their power by whatever means necessary.
I like WA Price as a disclaimer, and the scientific article says about the same only they prefer using the term "epithelial permeability" instead of "leaky gut" but are talking about the same. This is only a novice taste of the extent of what RoundUp does.
edit: i'm also not scalar but it's pretty easy to find if you know what you're looking for.
@Tadano@scalar@BowsacNoodle@JedKron1248@vic The first thing is that psoriasis is not a skin problem. It could be a gut problem, it could be heavy metal poisoning, it could be other toxins from the environment, it could be a result of a parasitic or fungal or bacterial infection or some combination of the above and other factors.
Elimination diet where you cut out grains, sugar, alcohol, nightshade foods, non-fermented soy, and dairy for anywhere from 3-6 months have good anecdotal reviews. I would add vitamin D supplements and fermented foods to the elimination diet or at least probiotics to try to rebuild the gut flora which in most autoimmune patients is compromised. For a lot of people, this solves the psoriasis and often other autoimmune issues like IBS or arthritis.
If that helps but doesn't fix the visible symptoms of psoriasis, then there are other issues like heavy metals or foreign agents (bacteria/fungi/parasites) and you would have to remove those.
@vic@Tadano@scalar@Jonaschuzzlewit@BowsacNoodle@JedKron1248 rofl that's p bad. The real point of most jargon is to separate the "initiates" from the "laity", be it legal or medical. It's speaking in code without formally speaking a separate language or pulling out your Masonic hand signals.
@SuperLutheran@Exile >Saying it's billions of years old doesn't lead to victory either. Literally nobody has told me they were just THIS CLOSE to being one of /ourguys/ but then turned and ran right back to neoliberalism because of YEC believers.
That's true. It's not a point worth breaking with others over. The belief that it is harmful rings of the moderate pro-white types who are always worried about how everything looks. They won't take on positions considered "fringe" beyond very basic and tame White advocacy because it is all "fringe" upon "fringe". Those people have done some good work, but have they won? Does Jared Taylor make his case unassailable? Is AmRen threatening to become mainstream?
On balance, if attacking evolutionary theory and modern cosmology among the proles makes them less favorable toward scientism and globohomo, it is good. Why does a plumber need to know evolutionary theory?
@hikari@AidanTTIerian@caekislove@HyperboreanWave@Xeraser@tengumatingpress Let's be clear: they are oppressed (more accurately SUPPRESSED) but it's primarily in their media stuff because that is their main strength. PF are suppressed because they are very clearly basically a paramilitary group without arms training and could quickly convert to full out paramilitary. Any group that does physical training, instills discipline, and does organized events and meetings would have similar attention. The jews aren't stupid and I'm not saying anything they don't understand.
@djsumdog@sjw@p@alex@graf I remember that episode but Anglin and The Daily Stormer were intentionally grabbing headlines and whatever in addition to being on the ADL's naughty list. Don't know if they've gotten around to labeling everyone on fedi wrongthinkers yet. Not saying they're angels but it seemed odd that they would care about a fairly obscure set of sites. graf explained it above - it wasn't necessarily type of content so much as volume, or at least that was the pretext for rate hikes and cutting service