The more I think about it, the more I wonder whether this was an attempt to get Egypt to repent and worship the true God. After Akhenaten's death, the country went right back to idolatry and paganism. Why? I suspect their lack of revelation (e.g., the Pentateuch) contributed to it, making Akhenaten the only authority on this monotheistic revolution. Couldn't last, especially since he ticked off the entirety of the pagan priesthood.
But there's another element at play - everyone in Egypt would have known that this creator deity, "Aten" was the same deity that wiped out their armies and killed their firstborn a century prior. Telling them to submit to that same God was telling them their ancestors were *wrong,* and pride got in the way.
@lykanthrocide@BowsacNoodle@SuperSnekFriend@flux_the_cat "Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice." -Philippians 1:15-18
If the series connects David's life with our Savior, then it will *probably* end up being fine but with a lot of nitpicky things. If the producers miss the Christological aspects of David's life and what he had to say about Christ, then it is probably going to suck out whatever good was there over time.
@BowsacNoodle I believe the Church ought not set up fake rules to protect the real rules. That's what the pharisees were well known for doing, and it screwed up dozens of generations, making them neurotic.
These people are selling something that's killing one Hiroshima Nuking's worth of citizens every year - they don't get rights or niceties. This is something that calls for straight up cowboy justice, each case gets a five minute trial and a six foot drop.
The US went to war in the middle east on the pretense of sand people flying planes into buildings and killing less than 3,000 Americans. We entered WWI over a single ship.
So what's keeping our authorities from doing something about the straight up CULLING of the American population? What, are they siding with the dealers?
Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask this. -Ecclesiastes 7:10
There is only one answer that has ever been correct to the question "when was the best time to be alive?" The answer is and always has been "now." Good times give the opportunity for enjoyment and preparation. Bad times give the opportunity for penitence and heroism. We aren't placed in these times by accident.
Embed this noticeSuperLutheran (kicky half) ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Feb-2025 08:12:28 JST
SuperLutheran (kicky half)How terrifying the prospect of resurrection must be for the transgender individual. On the Last Day, God is going to bring everyone back to life, in their original bodies, made such that they cannot be destroyed. How terrifying it must be for someone who has mutilated his body to rebel against the way God created him. The man spends his entire life pretending to be a woman, only to face eternity with the truth. If he is damned, not even hell's fire can destroy that proof between his legs. He suffers more in his mental anguish than he does by the burning. And for those who would consider salvation, they are often given pause by the fact that, even if they are saved, these will be resurrected and live eternally *with the bodies they were born in.*
No wonder so many of them, I suspect 999 out of 1000, will have nothing to do with Christ. He threatens their gender idol.
Tonight we are going to go over JUST ONE VERSE, but one of the most important verses in all of Revelation. If we can understand this verse, the rest will fall into place. Let's talk about the Right Hand of God.
They arrive at this number saying that it cost America this much through loss of productive potential, through medical bills and burials, through unemployment burdens, etc. Fentanyl is like a massive leech sucking the country's blood by the gallon.
The best thing to do is force a cold turkey separation from these hard drugs. The typical way of drug rehab works for *some* people, but opiates are so addictive that relapses are most common among them. Forget it. We need to be so aggressive in enforcement at the border and through policing that fentanyl is nearly impossible to obtain.
The article states that around 75 thousand people died from opioid related causes. A question for your libertarian friend a who insist that "prohibition doesn't work" is this: should private citizens have the right to inflict this sort of drug slavery and death on their fellow citizens?
Scripture prescribes the death penalty for manstealers, those who would rob people of their freedom by kidnapping them and selling them into slavery. The people who push these drugs are doing the same thing, only the chain and collar are fentanyl and needles, and the withdrawals take the place of the whip. Duterte's solution in the Philippines was the correct one and America should do likewise.
“Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death." -Exodus 21:16