@Hoss@sun The Wheel of Time is the best fantasy series that I will never recommended to anyone. The characters, worldbuilding, and story are all kino. The Battle of Dumai's Wells is absolutely peak.
BUT the pacing is awful, and there's large stretches where nothing happens. 10/10 fantasy series, don't read it.
@sickburnbro Bro I make 30 an hour welding after 5 years and I have no choice but to stay in this shitty fume-breathing job or I can't afford to live in Vancouver. Fuck this country.
@mkultra@LostShakerOfSalt@DEERBLOOD Last girl I dated had BPD, a pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage, and was covered in tattoos. Also fat. I know this because she traumadumped on the first date. Using Poast is saintly in comparison.
@skylar@icedquinn@djsumdog@xianc78 The problem with being skeptical of certain medical practices is that you will inevitability find yourself in the company of crackpots and grifters. There are reasonable things to be wary of in the modern, chemical and microplastic-laden foodscape, for example, but it has a habit of getting lost in the autistic screeching of people who believe in medbeds, raw water, and chugging Ivermectin by the bucketload.
It really does blow my mind sometimes that there was an era of such prosperity that a family of working class plebs could afford multiple cars, a house, and a boat.
The wealth of the boomer generation honestly amazes me. I hear all the time about old people just casually buying and selling 300k plots of land in the States. The fucking killdozer guy constantly bought and sold land around his town for 30-50k just because he fucking could, with money he got from running a business out of a rural area. I'm sat here wondering what their secret was to this incredible wealth and the honest answer is that it's just the time period and demographics. I'm at the point where I doubt I could achieve any independence from the rentoid system with just my 9-5.
My only desire is to live in a place that I can't get kicked out from at any moment, or a place where I'm not at the mercy of some idiot in the building leaving a stove on or plugging something into an outlet wrong and burning everything down.
@matty@BowsacNoodle@gav@mphjack7@HyperboreanWave@MartianM00n He's a "pagan" that posts nothing about pagan practice, faith, or theology, but will endlessly post about how much he hates other White people. Man needs to get off the internet and pour a libation to the god of not being a retard on the internet (probably Wotan if I'm getting my theology correct)
@BowsacNoodle@Stagg_3751 It's the sort of "I'm going to portray a 1950s family but they're actually all gay and addicted to drugs" attitude that shitlib writers think is so original. Everyone is trying to add as much grimdarkness, fuckery, and violence to everything that it becomes meaningless. Which is oddly meta.
@BowsacNoodle@Stagg_3751 Gore is a cheap way to make your work seem transgressive, edgy, or adult. Adding in sexuality and making everything feel icky and perverse appeals to people who only understand adulthood as "Ah now I can indulge in vices."
There is a reason I refuse to watch The Boys and it's not because I'm particularly squeamish, I just find that level of subversion and nihilism to be off-putting. I felt the same way about the Final Destination and Saw films. Although I do admit to watching the Making Of of the former because I think practical effects are cool.
@supersid333@WashedOutGundamPilot@LordMordred It's so weird going to concerts and seeing everyone taking cell phone video. Especially of themselves. Seen girls in mosh pits adjusting their hair and doing peace signs for snap stories.