@Triskerslake@piggo@david oh, but it was worse than that. I have an… odd sense of smell - a lot of things i miss. Walking through the office, i thought “thats a weird perfume someone is wearing”. Walking back through the office, i thought “im not sure thats perfume”. “Guys, do you smell smoke?” They all looked at me with horror (no one wants to hear that!!) then said “No” No, over here, i said, and David got up to look. Yes, he said, smoke, and i said Phew! and then we tracked it down :)
@cstross@jannem@futurebird@dx I've long thought the concept of settling Mars was ridiculous - there is nothing there to settle it _for_ apart from Lebensraum. I thought the most likely way to get permanent settlement on Mars would be if we were mining the asteroids and Mars was first settled as an R&R centre that was closer. There might then be some discovery of some resource that is economic to work on, but not short of that!
@drahardja@be interesting - i was working on business systems that were medium old and had been coded with the classic “if year > 21 1900+year else 2000 + year” and reading your post i just realised that year has finally passed! And *man* the y2k fixes were tedious and boring!
But they surely replaced those systems by now. Right? RIGHT. Lol :)
@aral yes, Tesla has always been at the top of my "electric cars I am going to look at when I eventually replace the hybrid" Its been removed form consideration completely - given everything is remotely updated, I dont trust that they wont remotely brick the car, and on purpose. Nuhuh! No way!
@thomasfuchs I interpreted the words as "photos of driveways" for a moment and stared at the photo, confusd, trying to make it resolve into a front yard ;)
@atomicpoet one appeal is the ecosystem - our household is all mac at the client level. so we can airdrop docs to each other, see where everyone is in Findfriends, send messages without paying for an SMS with messages, just off the top of my head