Some folks consider it a brioche, but while it’s an enriched bread, my milk bread is much less complicated than my brioche recipe. Or at least, I know what I’m doing with it so it feels less complicated. Start with a milk roux: just hydrating some flour on some heat. It sounds fussy, but it’s the same thing as making malt o meal, cream of wheat or “farina”. #milkBread
While that’s thickening on low, we’re keeping some milk in a double boiler to reach 110°F to activate dry yeast. I add the sugar because I’m lazy, but it’s probably better only to add enough to feed the yeast and add rest with dry ingredients. Ten minutes to double.
I’m a wet ingredient firster. It helps keep hidden pockets of flour sticking to the side of the bowl. But if you’re incapable of adding a pulverized grain without creating plumes of dust around your kitchen, you do you.
I can never get the dough to the right consistency in the machine. So after it’s fully incorporated on low and pulling off the sides of the bowl, plop it onto the needlessly fancy builtin carving boards that came with the house, then do some slap and folds until you’re tied of trying windowpane tests and just call it “smooth and elastic”
@dougmerritt@screwtape My friend the natural language processing expert (UMass Amherst, Watson) also agrees.
I still argue that a multimodel LLM + IR system like Wolfram Alpha + a full fledged RDF backing store for a reasonable percent of formal knowledge ~>= than people actually imagine when they think of AGI. Also, less energy intensive than pure neural net solutions. He says I’m wrong; I’ve only done undergrad genetic programming 20yr ago
@dougmerritt@smashedratonpress I have to say, the Catholic Church is not the one I’d expect to make such a good argument about imbalanced distribution of power.
I know the 4chan, GamerGate and InfoWars origins of MAGA are well reported, but how many folks are talking about how Tim Ferris has bringing together the VC contingent and alt-health movements since 2007 when he published a hit book about his get rich quick marketing for supplements?
@prettygood@vga256 I honestly have never tried that for similar photos, only for exact duplicates on Linux. It’s fine, but half the time I’d rather use rmlint and a text editor to edit commands for the detected files.
@ryanc I’d love to hear what NVR you end up with. I’m leaning toward Synology, but I keep flipping whether a DIY Frigate setup is reasonable. Pretty certain not Luma.
@alanc@dalias Since doing golang work, I’ve started committing the generated artifacts. Yes, it’s wasteful of storage and dev attention when everything works, but I’ve had too many surprises from diffs due to generator tooling change.
I haven’t gotten so bad as to vendor all dependencies in repo, but some days I think hard about it.
@alanc@dalias Oh, I forgot the most important point: build automation attempts to regenerate the artifacts and fails if they aren’t identical. Because then the generated work acts as a test case for the generator as well.
@rogersm@alanc@dalias I’ve taken over maintenance of more than a few projects because I care about keeping existing systems running.
But autotools is one of those things that sounds horrible to rework while backwards compatible.
Another thing that terrifies me is posix shell, and the smoosh research in to a correct parser shows how painful back compat can be:
@inthehands@mcc This reminds me of the first piece of code I submitted after transferring to a new university. I confirmed I could use any language on the lab machines, and they had ruby (before rails)! So I knew the TA wouldn’t know anything about it, I made a README with simple instructions. Run the command:
$ ./runme.rb
I flunked the assignment. The TA reported the following error:
Journeyman human being. Sous-Chefs founder. Sacrificed my beard to a respirator against woodworking, PNW smoke and plague, the rest of the hair went on its own.josephholsten.comThis is not a place of honor.