@GossiTheDog According to your timeline and the market data my own brokerage gives me access to, I see a nice big selloff the day after Mandiant notified Snowflake and the FBI, which is the day before the data popped up for sale.
@janbartosik@tastingcraftbeer Is the problem the alcohol? If so, given that they'd need to drink 50 bottles of 0.1% beer to equal the alcohol content of one bottle of 5% beer, how is this a problem given that their stomachs literally couldn't fit such a volume of liquid?
Or is it the fact that the term "beer" is used, along with a similar flavour? In which case, why focus on the minuscule alcohol content?
Either way, your position still doesn't make sense.
PSA: Telegram disguises itself as an encrypted chat app, when it is actually just a regular centralized plaintext messenger that has an encryption feature that nobody uses.
In a sense, I am a beekeeper, hence the username.I work in the rail industry trying to secure all the things: tons of legacy infrastructure which is now being networked.Never forget: there is no cloud, there is only other people's computers.I break shit for fun. Sometimes I even fix it afterwards!They say that "life is what happens while we're busy making other plans", and they're right; tot i que la vida m'ha allunyat de Catalunya, tinc moltes ganes de tornar a casa.Geek. Aspie. Poly.