Notices by The_Killah29 (
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@LukeAlmighty >But with the trans debate, I don't even know the last time I heard 2 people try to compate the baselines.
See there's the problem. There is only one baseline in this debate and a group of people who are doing their absolute damndest to oppose reality.
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@wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder @Turkleton Yup. It was the pro-Ukrainiam virtue-signalers that killed Ukraine, not Russia.
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@Turkleton @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Seems like the Russians were smart to send nigger conscripts instead of their own people.
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@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Turkleton @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Yeah, you get it. Too bad Zelinsky will fight to the last Ukrainian.
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@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Turkleton @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Yeah that is a new one to me too.
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@Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Cus I don't care listen to either side, really. I got more concern with de-chinking and de-jeeting my country right now to be concerned about what's happening in the Balkans. It's their shit to sort out and I'm not financing their slaughter so jews can build Kazharia again.
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@Turkleton @reallyangry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Might is Right is just the law of nature on every level, from microbial to animals to the state. It is what it is, but this inherent structure is "fluid" in that what is mightiest eventually is replaced with a new mightiest or an old mightiest regaining it's status. It's neutral in its rulings.
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@Turkleton @reallyangry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Only until they get bumped off. Besides, their "might" is borrowed at best and will eventually leave them, as it always happens.
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Bro, you need to chill. I said they were smart for not sacrificing their own, not based. At least learn how not to be a spergy retard yourself before having a spergy shitfit and calling me a retarded faggot cus I didn't immediately condemn "le Putler". :peperly:
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@sickburnbro The only question is whether he can get past his kaballah programming to reach the final step of that journey.
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@PinochetsCommieCopter #horror #horrorstorry
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@egirlyuumimain @IAMAL_PHARIUS Frieren is TRAINING Aura.
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@vix @Wormwood Yup.
>"It's the jews."
>"It's a bullshit conspiracy theory"
>"How is it not the jews?"
>"You give them too much credit"
>"Is AIPAC not real?"
>"Yawn. I'm getting sleepy"
>mutes everyone because they are making fun of him
He also said the "shut it down" meme at the beginning too rofl
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@sickburnbro @MechaSilvio @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @LivingSpaceStudios @Griffith @racs @PraxisOfEvil >"What's the difference between that and a revolution?"
Ooooh ooooh! *raises hand* A body count.
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@kirby @YeetLibs Nah, I can believe it. Muzzies and jeets really hate dogs for some reason.
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@graf @tyler How can that be? Reddit has a bug up it's ass about this.
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@graf @tyler >racism is still prohibited
And you will still continue to not solve your problems, redditbro
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@graf @tyler Oh, so cowardice. Got it.
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@sun You're practically married now
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@ForbiddenDreamer @PraxisOfEvil But how did ✡️ trick him? 🤔
- User ID
- 244391
- Member since
- 21 Feb 2024
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