You missed the point. The power and internet might be on, but you might not be authorized to use them for payment. Maybe you said a naughty word on the internet, or maybe your social credit score isn't high enough, or maybe the new sharia-vegan overlords have banned meat sales to non-Muslims, or maybe the giant pile of glitchy Microsoft shitware written by an army of H1-B's has stopped working and nobody knows why. And also the store's ISP's accounting office's Winblows computers took a shit too, so they can't pay transit fees to their upstream, so you're now stuck with dialup speeds until they can reinstall the entire glitchy software suite on new machines and then restore from backups on tape.
It's dangerous to live in a place where cash isn't universally accepted. Cash is the only form of payment that depends only on the buyer and the seller, and only at the moment of the sale. Anything else leaves you dependent on complicated and increasingly brittle and vulnerable systems.
Xbone, iirc, and initially due to corporate incompetence.
But disc-only games aren't practical anymore. 16x Bluray read speed is only 72MB/s, contrasted with a low end SSD at 3500MB/s+. The Xbonex has 12GB of ram, and to fill 10 of that would take 138 seconds assuming its drive is capable of 16x. And that's not accounting for the dynamic nature of many modern AAA titles that are constantly swapping out large portions of data.
I've heard that rural Spain is a good place to get cheap land with an old house on it. Apparently over the last few generations everyone left their one-horse village to seek fame and fortune and running water in the big city. Keep in mind that much of Spain is mountainous and mild, not unlike the US mountain west.