@lunareclipse@skye@Reiddragon@aperture > too bad it’s actually awful for privacy to use that because websites use that option as another data point for fingerprinting instead of accessibility
I already went over a number of ways to avoid that issue the other day, such as simple downloading literally all the assets.
> is a single binary data point really that much compared to say, window size?
It's just a single bit and it can be defeated by a number of ways.
Limiting to total number of bits of entropy one can obtain (that aren't noise/randomized/OR'd) should be done, of course.
Tor doesn't actually do anything for identification on that level beyond the IP and some network characteristics. Tor Browser does considerably more on top.
> and what's really cool is websites can use this even without JS
Indeed, disabling that also removes a lot of identification opportunities.
@Suiseiseki > Based on Cloudflare's observed traffic between September - November 2024, 41% of successful logins across websites protected by Cloudflare involve compromised passwords.
100%, since they observed them.
Sure they've got some indirection scheme, but it amounts to creating a rainbow table instead of a direct mapping.
Largely the same applies to utilitarianism, which differs very little from consequentialism in its being inapplicable to standalone used, save that it is even more so.
> in increasing degrees of brainrot extremism, they do not consider "people i don't like" to be "people," so that calculus assigns suffering to negligible. it is only evil if the world state score decreases and i can just classify people i don't like as furniture.
That means that whatever other ethical/moral framework they're using to define the axioms & conditions is faulty or purposely comes to these conclusions. Assuming they've bothered to even consciously use such a framework instead of going with whatever impulse they have.
> which, is what historical communist extremists have done (lenin, stalin.)
Those were just fascists with a red coat of paint. Opportunists that took on the trappings of a different movement to fool others.
@icedquinn@pup@adiz That's a rather wild misrepresentation of consequential ethics or alternatively you've interacted solely with ones that call themselves such but are completely incoherent in truth.
Untold evil in the pursuit of a good is /by virtue of its consequences/ evil (regardless of the original intent, the consequences are the point), particularly when the net outcome is vastly increased amounts of suffering rather than any amount one might consider "equivalent or lesser".
The dev is clearly a hypocrite refusing the accept the true extent and impact of their actions for whatever reason, yes.
> the everything is political crowd tends to oxidize people that want to just make tools (because the tool isn't being designed specifically to *their* own ends.) they also tend to be completely blind and unwilling to acknowledge what they are.
Only the impractical fools. For the very same reason I consider dual-use technologies regulation idiotic. *Everything* is weaponizable with enough imagination & stubbornness. Everything is dual-use. It is *meaningless* (and impossible) to make tools that cannot be weaponized.
One can most certainly favor a design that reduces harm and makes harmless uses the easiest path, but anything else is nonsense.
A tool also has as many uses as one might manage to find for it, for the same reasons, and if an author creates a tool for their own purposes but which do not suit others? Then that's fine, that is part of why Free/Libre Software (and Libre Hardware) exist, the user can adapt, modify and share the tools as they see fit.
@inthehands > They burn people alive on a regular basis.
They also poison people around with hydrogen fluoride when they burn. This is why using fire to vandalize them is a horrifying idea.
Yes this also implies that if they catch fire in one's garage for no reason whatsoever, one can *still* end-up with crippling long-term problems from the fumes.
Those things should never have been allowed in residential or public areas.
@Paradox@prettygood It's insane that API just has blanket access, instead of needing to query the user every time or being restricted solely to the same page/domain.
In its current state it isn't absurd solely on Qubes, and that only if one uses a qube per GUI application.
@sun@paninid Indeed, which is at least helpful to notice that the LLM output is usually wrong and frequently says something quite different from its references.
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