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@Turkleton some phrases just should not be handed to AI
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@reallyangry @Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder It’s just right there, broiling and roiling immediately beneath the surface of every public interaction. It’s palpable, like the surface tension of water.
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@reallyangry @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder It's very clear who is evil in the current world. I know that God will judge this. That keeps me going tbh. Not trying to start a religion argument but I'm sure you understand me.
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@Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder I'M MAD AS HELL AND I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE
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@reallyangry @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Well unfortunately it's going to get worse now. I mean the whole Riviera of the middle east thing and all.
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@Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder that's why i was sure trump wans't the right choice for president, but entierh wqas the fucking nigger streetshittesss THERE LITERALLY WAS DAMNED IF YOU DO DAMNED IF YOU DONT
anyone who thinks "the better of two options" was chosen is a retard of hte highest caliber and may as well leave the idea of white natiojnalism.
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@reallyangry @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder I agree. It's why I won't vote. Irs like I'm putting my stamp of approval on the system. I have a hard enough time justifying paying taxes to people that hate me and use it for nefarious deeds and what not.
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@reallyangry @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Dude Gaza is destroyed. I mean I get you but they really fucked that place this last go around
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@Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder they didn't genocide the fucking people tho, they cna't just have it now they're so pathetic and i ca't wait for the day we start fucking staking kikes like vlad the fucking impaler EVERY KIKE SHOULD BE TORTURED TO DEATH AND THEN WHEN THEY GET TO HELL THEY CAN SUFFER FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY LIKET HEY FUCKING DESSERVE FOR FUCKING RUINING OUR COUNTRIES
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@The_Killah29 @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder THE JEWS DIDNT EVEN USE THEIR MIGHT TO GET THAT SHIT
THEY USED FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE'S MIGHT, they're ratfuck scumbags who can't fight htier own fucking battles, of course they don't deserve anything they got.
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@The_Killah29 @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder the jew fucks couldn't even roll over gaza, they got massive casualities for it and pulled out then used america calling for a ceasefire to save face
they're ratfuck scumbag shitbags shithole fuckhead cocksuyckers
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@The_Killah29 @reallyangry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Looks like the Jews are right then.
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@Turkleton @reallyangry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Only until they get bumped off. Besides, their "might" is borrowed at best and will eventually leave them, as it always happens.
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@Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder till we kill them for it yea, just like we deserve all the land we killed indians for i'm sorry it's upsetting but there's literlaly ntohing gonna change what's going on except a nuclear war which isn't happening.
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@reallyangry @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Im not into the might is right thing myself. Kinda seems satanic but that is just my opinion I guess.
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@Turkleton @reallyangry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Might is Right is just the law of nature on every level, from microbial to animals to the state. It is what it is, but this inherent structure is "fluid" in that what is mightiest eventually is replaced with a new mightiest or an old mightiest regaining it's status. It's neutral in its rulings.
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@reallyangry @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Does Israel deserve Gaza? Just curious
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@reallyangry @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder I guess turkey deserves Constantinople too eh
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@The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Ukraine is not the Balkans lol but whatever dude. Maybe just don't comment stupid shit on a subject you know nothing about then?
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@Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder i think any country who can beat another country has the right to take what they want, cuz tha'ts how politics worked in all of history and right now is the anomaly.
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@Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Cus I don't care listen to either side, really. I got more concern with de-chinking and de-jeeting my country right now to be concerned about what's happening in the Balkans. It's their shit to sort out and I'm not financing their slaughter so jews can build Kazharia again.
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@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Turkleton @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Yeah that is a new one to me too.
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@The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Surprised tbh.
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@The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Jfc you are so boring and lazy. Just repeat stupid fucking slogans.
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@The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Tell me about the muh Donetsk children next please. Maybe how they are killing the poor Russian speakers.
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@Turkleton @The_Killah29 @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder As for me I’d only heard of that one from the funni maymay
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@The_Killah29 @Turkleton @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder That is a fair point, It is better to throw niggers into the meat grinder then Slavs.
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@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Turkleton @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Yeah, you get it. Too bad Zelinsky will fight to the last Ukrainian.
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@The_Killah29 @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder lol
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@The_Killah29 @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder 💪🏻they dindu nuffin wrong.
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@Turkleton @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Seems like the Russians were smart to send nigger conscripts instead of their own people.
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@pepsi_man @Turkleton @Gran3Walder exactly, without america's money and weapons, the war would have been over in 2 weeks and only the most hardcore anti-russian lunatics would have died. now that the jews have "helped" ukraine, an entire generation of men have been murdered.
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@wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder @Turkleton Yup. It was the pro-Ukrainiam virtue-signalers that killed Ukraine, not Russia.
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@pepsi_man @Gran3Walder @wishgranter14 Hopefully your don't have to worry above that now. God forbid America helps out a white country. Israel and Africa need every penny. But it's a good thing imo because like you said importing nigger culture is bad.
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America never helps white countries, unless it's so jews can profit off white genocide.
Example: Ukraine. NATO pays, so white conscripts get fed into a meat grinder.
South Africa. Ameritards pressure Afrikaaners into accepting their own genocide.
@Gran3Walder @wishgranter14
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@pepsi_man @Gran3Walder @wishgranter14 Do you have to be left wing to hate the Zionist pig dog in the white house? Because if that is the case then I really need explanation.
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I'm talking about playing into the narrative that somehow if Trump doesn't dump money on Ukraine, then he's suddenly Putin's bitch.
Hot take: Ukraine would be better off if Amerifats just pulled the plug. At least then you wouldn't have Ukrainian girls getting taught to worship nigger dick.
@Gran3Walder @wishgranter14
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@Turkleton @wishgranter14
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@Gran3Walder @Turkleton @wishgranter14
When did rw'ers jump on board with the left's narrative?
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@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder Need tension around the throat of every kike entire they can't breathe anymore
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@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Turkleton @The_Killah29 @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @wishgranter14 @pepsi_man @Gran3Walder If nothing else God made me a sadistic angry fuck so if you need someone to enact justice upon then when we win ill do it