@tinker No kidding. I just finished reading a book about Voice of America and Radio Liberty during the Cold War, when the Soviets jammed the broadcasts, and I’m starting to feel there’s an uncomfortable parallel here.
For all you #botany geeks: I just got my hands on the illustrated companion to Gleason & Cronquist, and it has rocked my world.
Just flipping through it, every few pages I gasp! Doors are opening. My heart is full. I may even learn to distinguish Rubus species in the field. What a revelation. I no longer feel guilty for the silly amount of money I spent to get this. #NativePlants
@josh0 Absolutely true. An older lady friend of mine was recently telling me that she was pissed off at how it’s now impossible to find online documents that are were once easily retrieved by a simple search. She’s not a techie, but she’s not a fool either.
@blogdiva@_L1vY_ True story: a Girl Scout troop I helped lead had a K9 cop and his dog visit to talk about their work. One of the moms in the audience was a veterinarian, and after the cop and his dog had left, she quietly briefed the scouts on all the signs of stress and maladjustment the dog had been showing while he was there. She said these police dogs never live long and happy lives.
@kusuriya@ai6yr Non-techie here, raising my head just long enough to say that Mint works fine for me. My needs are simple, and I’m just happy to have broken free of Microsoft. Simple is good.
@inthehands Yes. When I’m on my e-bike I feel about 30 years younger. I’m supposed to be using it for doing local chores, but once I’m on the bike I keep discovering little side-missions, just to prolong the ride.
@breadandcircuses It seems like a reasonable strategy for fossil fuels would be to save every last ounce of the stuff for plastics — not for dumb stuff like plastic water bottles and carry-out containers, but hard-to-replace stuff like tubing for medical equipment — and to try to make it last as long as possible. Of course, that’s going to be a much smaller, less-profitable business, but at least all that fossil fuel infrastructure won’t be entirely wasted.
@CloudyMrs@grb090423 Location? Generally best to let fledglings stay where they are (not in the road, of course!) because they are still under parental care at that age. The parents will feed it and try to take care of it. Maybe keep the warm sheltered box, but put the box near where the little guy was found and then back off a bit and look for the parents to show up.
Well look who’s here! It’s Asclepius syriaca, Common Milkweed, waking up. I also had the first dragonfly of the year, but they aren’t as easy to photograph. #NativePlants#milkweed#ClimateDiary
@NatureMC@Gargron Hmm, following and waiting for some clarity about this. There is a lot I don’t understand, but I agree with your bottom line: I found happiness by abandoning corporate social media and coming here and I would hate to see it ruined. Letting users opt in or opt out seems reasonable. If that doesn’t work, I’m going to have to migrate. Sigh.