as a mother of sons, my #1 job is to protect them from the violence of patriarchy. to make wherever i am HOME, a safe space for them to manifest themselves, intellectually, artistically, emotionally.
there is nothing more toxic than to demand men white knight at the drop of the hat; even more so with one of their friends.
guys suffer their broken friendships because they do lose a chosen bro(ther).
grew up in the periphery of some really famous people, so i’ve always seen with suspicion the publicity that comes with fame.
Scalzi’s post is a reminder that behind the fame, there are real people. that he, as a famous writer & personal friend of Gaiman, needed the time to process his disappointment & grief over losing, not just one of his friends, but someone who became part of his chosen writing family.
❝ I needed to work out what was going on, and how a person I had as a friend had this other part to his life that was for me new and rotten information, and also there was the rest of my life to deal with, which is not insignificant. ❞
so, am aware of the awfulness about Neil Gaiman and think this post by John @scalzi is a great example of how friends, who didn’t know, need to process the grief of losing a friend because of their revealed awfulness… 🧵
was already worried about the company going with a cryptobro as CEO, but this very public Cheetohlini bootlicking seals their fate.
no tech CEO should sing the praises of a rapist propped up by fascists with a 900+ manual on how to turn USA into a criminal cartel hellbent in consolidating fascism worldwide.
i need an EU company not ran by fascists. where to Toto?
had a syslog that was 500G in an old laptop i use for my homelab. HALF A TERABYTE! ever since we changed IT providers, the wifi been doing weird ish with the older computers. they been disconnecting randomly. seems KDEConnect went HAM with the wifi. the archived syslog was 350G. with the current syslog, it was HALF A TERABYTE!
how dafuck Ubuntu lets a syslog get that big? or am missing something here? is there a way for the system to delete the logs after a certain size?
back in the 1990s, in-house fintech groups at JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs were notorious for hiring musicians as software developers, exactly because they already knew how to think in code.
you didn’t have to have an engineering or compsci degree to get hired. what you needed was to show your code and prove you could learn on the job.
you can tell today’s techbros are nepobabies & trust fund capitalists, with the money to hire others to do the creative work.
ARS & TECHNE were never meant to be against each other; even less for both of them mean the opposite of history.
as i like to remind people: GIT is the perfect example of how, to manage a software development project, you need to have a really good understanding of the basics of chronicling, tagging, version control and archiving.
software projects are creative objects, as well as historical artifacts.
and what’s weird about that asshat’s comment is that he fails to reckon: MUSIC IS CODE… 🧵
"It’s not really enjoyable to make SOFTWARE now… it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of practice, you have to get really good at CODING... I think the majority of people don’t enjoy the majority of time they spend making SOFTWARE."
so, basically, techbros know shit about the creative process, the actual art & techne, of building computers or making software… 🧵
the music and film industries betrayed the creative classes after they bought themselves the Clinton admin and its Congress for the Mickey Mouse amendment.
but it was artists following Metallica’s lead ―to encourage the MIC from using said music and film industries as cover to create the surveillance apparatus that exists online― that gave us to this techbro dystopia.
i guess, with chemo brain, i hadn't reckoned Germany’s tax court (?) revoked Mastodon’s non-profit status and that’s why they incorporated in the USA. so creating this new NPO will ensure they are under DE & EU jurisdictions. this is good and absolutely necessary.
BTW i’ve often pondered: wouldn't it be great to have a United Nations jurisdiction for FLOSS
@Mastodon whew! this is good. this is really, really good. had no idea Germany stripped y’all of the non-profit status and that’s why you had to incorporate in the US.
so this will ensure the USA has no jurisdiction over Mastodon the software company, the software, correct?
the only quibble would be the TLDs: .social and .online are controlled by USA providers. there’s still vulnerability to abuse of power with the TLDs being under USA jurisdiction.
so, am i getting this right: there’s a big chunk of Americans that have never heard of Barnes and Noble? cuz if you want an “as big as Amazon” competitor that ships anywhere in the country, Barnes & Noble is the way to go.
i’ve never been the same since having to sleep in nyc subways and wherever i could safely crash. sure, it wasn’t for a long time, about 4 months, but it fucked me up. and that happened +30 years ago.
btw, the homeless NYU student is a common occurrence. no university should be sitting on billions while their students have nowhere to live.
there are many ways people become homeless.
USA is a sociopathic culture that revels on the misfortune of others.
am liza sabater, the og blogdiva & resident afroboricua #antifa #dyslexic #ActuallyAutistic tití. am now surviving breast #cancer whilst still chronicling fascism.thank you fediverse for #dogs, #cats, #sports, #sewing, #cooking and #Monsterdon. so #fuckCancer #COVID19, mask up, join a #union & fight for #UBI & #Medicare4All