No idea how anyone could date a person who doesn't value them. And wanting them deported and worse? That's *not* valued.
DAZED | ‘It’s not healthy’: Meet the couples breaking up over Trump
No idea how anyone could date a person who doesn't value them. And wanting them deported and worse? That's *not* valued.
DAZED | ‘It’s not healthy’: Meet the couples breaking up over Trump
@hacks4pancakes Unintentionally? At least two of elno's brownshirts are Russian linked hackers, all are techbros, they know full well what "privilege escalation" means.
@WiseWoman @grheavyroller @pluralistic it doesn't work though, because you then lose all the replies and interaction, because they all get trashed with "long thread" too!
@cstross @smittytone @neil @rogerlipscombe I had one for years, it was great!
@frang @cdarwin @pluralistic those speedbumps in the road? They save lots of lives. They cost a lot of money to put there.
Cattle grids limit speed and weight and slow some people right down. But just because the cows are out of sight today doesn't mean you should remove them.
@artemis I think the most important thing is to consider the source. So many these days lie for the sake of lying. Keep track of the liars, and make sure to assume they're lying the next time around!
@mshelton I saw this earlier on my feed.
@DFWInfoStudent @karmaburrito @pluralistic You think that the police telling someone to deplatform someone *isn't* a 1st Amendment violation?? Then what is?
@pluralistic I would just like to say that I'm glad you're carrying on. A few of the really good newsletters I'm subbed to have just ceased with no notice this past month or so. A particular loss was Wondercade from Neil Patrick Harris.
@bthalpin @cstross @davidleeholcomb @pluralistic it was fine until elno took it.
@Milkman76 @glenatron @cstross This.
The right wing have won the battle to keep most people from masking. Apparently in the USA not even medical staff do it any more! Like they did before covid even existed!
@Milkman76 @glenatron @cstross Pretty sure that the USA didn't force Putin to invade Ukraine in 2014, nor again in 2021? Nor to support the Asad regime and force literally millions of refugees into the EU for his own ends over a decade?
@niedlichenacktschnecke @adaddinsane @Tinido there's several, no? The Odyssey, the labours of Hercules, Troy. All the big known ones feature a hero going off on his journey. Often several times!
@Emilyy @seachanger It's been 20 years, Emily. "Fetch" is .not. going to happern!
Formerly (still?) @DiscreetSecure on twitter. A range of lock and security stuff, plus general musings, and, of course, politics.
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