@goatsarah I hate it when I get so excited to answer a question and then halfway through I realize the question I answered wasn't the one asked. I hate it even more when I don't realize I've answered the wind question until after a couple of confusing, awkward back-and-forths with the original author.
@Antiqueight@the5thColumnist@olena@ideogram Meanwhile we handless people are nodding along hoping that understanding this whole thing about handedness isn't going to end up being important.
@Antiqueight@olena@ideogram That's valid. If I understand the theory correctly, then in my explanation that would correspond to identifying which rulebook is yours while disregarding the rules in the book.
@olena@ideogram Gender is easy to understand as an #autistic. There are two sets of unwritten rules. One of them you are supposed to VERY MUCH and the other one you are supposed to NEVER. This is supposed to be very important to you for reasons and it's supposed to be obvious to you which set of behaviors you want to do. Violating these unwritten rules is punished even more severely than violating the regular unwritten rules because these are more important.
@freemo@jkxyz@scottsantens You might be the exception that proves the rule. But I do wonder how representative the samples you've taken are of financial hygiene for people in different income brackets.
@freemo@jkxyz@scottsantens You can always tell when someone's never been poor because they say things like "most people who are poor have very poor financial hygene."
@futurebird@punishmenthurts@DavidM_yeg@ianhecht Yes, and ignoring social hierarchies, being concerned about true morality and equity, making connections other people didn't, drawing in the dirt instead of interacting with people...
@freemo@mike805@georgetakei The Constitution was written by eighteenth century common law lawyers for eighteenth century common law lawyers. You can't just look at the words out of context to decide what the right to keep and bear arms covered and did not cover. It was never intended to be read that way.
@BruceMirken@ryanhoulihan Could Christie win the primaries? Probably not. If he was nominated, would he beat Biden? Maybe. If I had to bet I'd put my money on him in that situation.
I just want to stop as much human suffering as possible. I don't think that's too much to ask. #ActuallyAutisticProfile picture: A much younger Bernie Sanders picking up trash in a public park.