@KimPerales Privatizing the govt is a great idea in principle, far less waste.. But when you do it trumps way, which equates to privatizing it with your own companies and your friends companies, not so much. As always Trump hints on things that may not be a bad idea in some aspect but with horrifically harmful execution.
Universodon is literally one of the servers that blocked us for being "free speech - no hate speech" server... Oh the irony of them complaining about the world they helped create.
@garyackerman Words in non-scientific context almost always have quite a few definitions that disagree with eachother. This is literally every word ever.
Well - it can mean a hole in the ground with water in it, or it can mean something done effectively (you did that well).
Not only are there **lots** of other plausible causes (of just one I gave you), you havent even explained the direction of causation.
A very simple explanation (again among many possible ones) is that being poor causes low intelligence rather than low intelligence causing one to be poor. If you are poor you wont get proper nutrition or education, both of which results in lower intelligence.
That said youre extremely low-intelligence answers are doing a remarkably good job at convincing me we should exterminate you at least, so you are least making a convincing argument, even if it isnt the argument you intended to make.
To be fair I may not be a righty, but as far as democrats are concerned (usually) even a centrist is a nazi. So I think your assessment still has some truth to it.
I dont think so. Who is the democrat here and who is the republican? I am staunchly anti-democrat and anti-republican party and while their current lunacy makes that divide particularly far even 20 years ago I would have opposed either party, albeit less so. Im generally centrist with a very slight left lean. No party would be a close fit to my ideals but you had to describe it I'm something like 40% libertarian 20% old-democrat, 10% old republican, 30% views contrary to all parties.
> We have scientific proof of the genetic basis of intelligence.
At no point did I suggest there is no genetic basis to intelligence. I stated there is no genetic basis for being poor, and that poor is not determined primarily by intelligence.
Considering your response suggests low intelligence, as you didnt understand what I said, sounds like you need to be gassed. I'm willing to use you as the test subject for your proposed solution.
> No, they're likely genetic in nature. Poor = dumber, generally.
No basis in reality for that what soever. People with low IQ generally can learn all sorts of high skilled labour jobs and make money just fine. The vast majority of the poor tend to be veterans who have severe mental health issues arrising from lack of mental health access combined with abuse expiernced during their service. Again something you wont see in countries that treat their people better and provide good vet services and mental health access.
Im not saying you should be concerned with europe. The point is societies change, and american can change in ways that would stop poor people from being an issue because it isnt a genetic problem to begin with but a societal one.
Its like sitting there punching people in the face and then when they start to flinch trying to blame genetic and then thinking if you kill off all the people that flinch then you wont have people flinching anymore.
Well no you can argue against it. When you gas the poor, since being poor is not unlinked from the environment you arent producing less poor people since society changes.
For example someone might be poor int he USA but that same person if they were in europe might not be poor, because the kind of person they are would thrive in one environment but not the other.
One could just as easily (and wrongly) argue that if you gas all the rich you will make society better because the poor people would now be able to thrive and become the rich themselves, and create an environment where poor people thrive and thus are eliminated.
The truth is, breeding doesnt work like that. You can breed specific traits that are easily measures (like height) but complex things like being poor you cant just breed out by directly killing the poor, you'd have to understand the underlying problems and fix those, which are unlikely to be genetic in nature.
@louis I do enjoy walking int he rain, its a good expiernce. But it doesnt make me feel clean like a shower does, in fact it specifically makes me feel like i need to take a shower.
so after you are done with the rain you have that clean feeling you feel after taking a shower? Weird.
@louis I had thought about that.. but i dunno about you when i stand in the rain i feel the opposite of when i shower.. i feel more dirty and sticky and itchy, not less. Same for a clean pool. This seems to be a response unique to soap and water specifically. Keep in mind though we invented soap a very very long time ago in oen form or another. It started as natural soap occurring in lye rich rivers that people discovered and started using for cleaning.
For sure, but I think its more than that, even if you had the experience to have been here 20 years ago to see it and had that experience you still are unlikely to agree with me. Its in your historic experience but still doesn't inform you to normalcy. In a sense its not our totality of experiences, it is just where we are in the moment for most of us that we use to judge what is acceptable.
Jeffrey Phillips FreemanInnovator & Entrepreneur in Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing & Big Data. Avid SCUBA diver, Open-source developer, HAM radio operator, astrophotographer, and anything nerdy.Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, USA, currently living in Utrecht, Netherlands, USA, and Thailand. Was also living in Israel, but left.Pronouns: Sir / Mister(Above pronouns are not intended to mock, i will respect any persons pronouns and only wish pronouns to show respect be used with me as well. These are called neopronouns, see an example of the word "frog" used as a neopronoun here: http://tinyurl.com/44hhej89 )A proud member of the Penobscot Native American tribe, as well as a Mayflower passenger descendant. I sometimes post about my genealogical history.My stance on various issues:Education: Free to PhD, tax paidAbortion: Protected, tax paid, limited time-frameWelfare: Yes, no one should starveUBI: No, use welfareRacism: is realGuns: Shall not be infringedLG