@wjmaggos@Detah You're not even dodging very cleanly, just say you don't care about castrating kids. I promise you that if Emperor Trump decided to put almost all of Congress and the anti-White judiciary into a volcano the Status Quo-ists such as yourself wouldn't be able to muster 50 people who would give enough of sh!t to protest.
@RegalBeagle@dictatordave@caekislove@sickburnbro I guess we'll have to wait for Dave, but I always think that everyone know the tunes I'd recommend on my shortlist (leaving off Tiesto, Above and Beyond, etc): Lost Cause - Marcus Schultz (whole album is good) Every Other Way - BT (whole album good too) Light the Way - Craig Connelly (whole album not bad) Stars - Betsy Larkin (whole album o-k) The Purpose Is You - Alpha 9 All Comes Back to You - ReOrder (Solarstone remix) We Can't Fly - Lemon (Solarstone remix) OT: Artangles - Grimes Bouncing Off Clouds - Tori Amos Surface to Air - The Chemical Brothers Maryland - Jesus Jones Fighting in Built Up Areas - Ladytron
@caekislove@sickburnbro Like a lot of black-crap it's like a crude mockup of the real thing. For example Kanye's stuff (which is actually on the "good" end of black crap) is strictly a product of production, but compared to even 3rd-tier Euro electronica it's *way* underproduced. It's like someone took the 30 second mix-gap at the head or tail of a regular EDM song and stretched it out to four minutes.
Since J6 I've come to doubt the official storyline as it's clear that American regime tanks would have driven right over their own dissidents *even if* they knew it was being "taped". In the Chinamen case the tanks didn't run him over even though they had no reason to think they were being recorded
@bigtony@agasramirez > it comes off as very performative Good catch, that's because it is I suppose, a religious declaration against those who are heretics to her faith.
@stoner713@madonline And I thought he was coming unglued when he blocked @Humpleupagus . He was never this bad on Gab; kind of a vibe of "the nurse stole my rice pudding so I'm taking it out on you".
@BrazilianContrarian probably the same people everyone in the U.S. sees when going to the DMV, even in my almost all-white county it will be full of the mystery meats that work at regional farming operations 😑
@sickburnbro It's a clever workaround to the Congressional demand that the money they allocated has to be spent, as Trump is basically saying "okay they can get paid, but that doesn't mean I have to have them show up for work".
@greenzeta@PNS The McDonalds thing was interesting because, as they found out, if they used super f@cking hot water (way hotter than anyone could actually drink) they could use less coffee for the same amount of water.
@sickburnbro That’s supposed to be how the game works though: mutually assured destruction. It falls apart when only one side is doing the destroying as they’ve nothing to lose.
@Evil_Bender@mothersmurfer Many such cases. The whole reason regular ol' truck engines are blowing up is because of exotic engine setups that turn $90,000 vehicles into disposable assets in order to shave some half-mile per gallon off the fuel economy to please some faggot regulator in DC.