Notices by BrazilianContrarian (
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frickin cryin
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lately i've been forgetting to mention how much i hate the judiciary, there's no excuse
curbstomp all judges
run a lawnmower over lawyers
grill prosecutors
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@s2208 so tired of seeing news about some crime and it turns out the perp was already arrested 9 thousand times and let out again
at the very least there must be some Brazilian living overseas who could expose these scoundrel judges with blood on their hands, names and addresses, how much they earn etc, there should be a list
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@s2208 i just saw today that they convicted a lady who wrote a sentence with lipstick on a statue in Brasília on our january 8th 'coup attempt', 14 YEARS
meanwhile thieves, murderers and rapists go free because the police was mean to them during the arrest or something
boils my frickin blood
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@s2208 yesss, thank you, i was trying to remember the term when ranting about this to frens recently, slipped my mind, easily translated as anarco-tirania
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS the lion rapes the small scientist
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i need jdm-style fiat
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firing squad is the correct way of state sanctioned execution instead of the impersonal electric chair or injection
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there's constantly videos of poor ppl making pandemonium when there's some city's anniversary and they distribute a large cake for everyone, the poors can't contain themselves, they almost kill each other for a piece of cake
the bourgeois mind is shocked and outraged, 'where are their manners', 'this country is finished'
i, an aristocrat, laugh and laugh
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@ChadleyDudebro @Paleface @EvilSandmich it's another word for browns, but it's a statistical sleight of hand they use to claim that 'Brazil is a black country'
in stuff like the census, 'negros' are 'pretos' (literally blacks) + 'pardos' (all kinds of browns), so that comes up to ~50% of the population being 'negros', when in reality the blackety dark negro blacks are closer to 10-15%, the rest are mestiços and mulatos (the words we should use) to various degrees
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13, i'm one of yakub's finest creations
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very cool, maybe i should go there get cannibalized
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i drive drunk and fast but otherwise i follow the rules, most aren't so silly, but i never got a single infraction, i feel like i should, it's time
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS the Bolsolittles did similarly btw, i don't know about deleting pics but saw one of his sons doing a complete 180 on ukraine after what lord Trump did lmao
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argies such pathetic treacherous rats
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@sickburnbro what if you're talkative and enjoy debating but when you're drunk
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now there's 5x more negros and browns with degrees than 20 years ago, it's never been so over in 20 years
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most ppl with graduations here have degrees in management/administration, teachers of something and then law
it's over, no country liek this has future, and it's all presidente Lula's fault as usual, with loan schemes for the poors
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presidente Lula is giving money incentive for 'students' (neguinhos) to finish public high school, this is one of the most dysgenic policies of all time, the Partido dos Trabalhadores truly is the greatest punishment for a nation
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seek and destroy is one of those bangers that's deservedly a cliche one of the best musics of all time
- User ID
- 254406
- Member since
- 8 Apr 2024
- Notices
- 63
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