Notices by dictatordave (
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@BarelyEagle @TrevorGoodchild @istvan @john_darksoul @Eiswald @Hoss where's the fuckin gold lebowski!
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@PinochetsCommieCopter niggers should probably stop making incriminating media
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@Bad_Banner has anyone told him that the 70s was 50 years ago and no one cares
he's like a 90s feminist, no one's listening
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@FortyTwo holy shit that organization is toast lol
he'll be shilling his shit coin later this week
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the weakness this exudes is beyond hilarious
>he's an asshole
so, no one hired him to be their friend, stupid leaf faggots
i guess its not an asshole move when a wef owned kike puppet like jt does blackface
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@sun >they said words we dont like and weren't involved with but we have to be the faggy internet police
good thing no one fuckin cares, maybe they should go cry to their bluesky pedo admins about it
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@Eiswald or just fuck off out of our business
the eu jag offs act like they're some last word and that our citizenry's choices dont matter
hilarious since they dont even respect the eu people enough to give them a choice in who runs the eu, bunch of dip shits
whatever, they're arguing from a position of weakness, let them bitch and act like they can survive without the us
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@noyoushutthefuckupdad @sun they told us what they were going to do 6 years before they did it
building 7 vault cleared out
>pull it
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@sun basically same as its ever been, no one believes its there, hasn't been looked at in half a century, last time it was people said it all looked fake
they're talking about auditing and every criminal is screaming its not fair
its obviously been stolen and sold by assets in the government, and they're just waiting until all those people are dead and they'll say see woopsy doopsy we cant prosecute anyone everyones dead and too old
but i want their children and grand children to go to prison, and i dont care what happens to them honestly
in fact i'll be fair, they can either kill themselves or they can go to federal prison on behalf of their corrupt relatives
ill take reparations in blood, because they've made the fiat worthless
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you know how you find out where the fort knox gold is
just put people in prison, these soft faggots in the bureaucracy will buckle like a belt and dime each other out
put a bunch of those crossfire hurricane fbi lawyers in prison with a bunch of feral niggers, they'll talk real quick
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@sun @jeffcliff @thendrix if you have to (((explain it))) then i know its a scam
there's no justification for bleeding tax money, none
we dont fucking care about the rest of the world and obviously we absolutely can't afford it
also jeff you're not american and your opinion doesn't matter, why dont you focus on your own government's fraud, that's why they're scrambling to delete records but you're too much of a pop culture garbage following whore to notice
also kys jeff
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@7666 i called you a globalist because you're arguing in bad faith from a stupid position that's based in a ridiculous stateless ideal
so really you're a globalist because you're a fucking retard who's bought bullshit propaganda
and you should do the dishes and shut the fuck up and be happy that you have dishes to do
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its not some oopsy doopsy 'accidental mark up', its money laundering, and anyone believing otherwise is a fucking idiot or they're involved
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@Evil_Bender use the shit she collects for crafts to make her one' c'mon boi get on my level
little paint for the kids to smash their hand into, onto construction paper, boom, done
get your dick wet for less, i've got all the pro tips
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@BasedLord @sickburnbro @threalist its malpractice, all of it
they can claim immunity or just following recommendations but it doesn't mean they shouldn't swing, along with their families
there's zero consequences for these 'professionals' that for some stupid reason the idiot public simply trusts
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@sickburnbro @threalist i think rand put it the best
we just want choices, we want to be able to say hey my kid doesn't need two hep b shots at 1 year old, he isn't going to be shooting dope and banging hookers, paraphrasing.
but right now schools, not doctors, are the ones who can mandate this shit, and its all hinged around diseases that are either brought in by foreigners or spread by degenerates, so why does my kid need products with heavy metals from companies that have no liability?
also its hilarious that these companies can claim their products are safe with no proof, that'd be like a car maker saying their shit is safe but the thing crumples when you lean on it
its just societal mental illness that we're laboring under
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@Evil_Bender go to grocery store
pick 3 bunches that aren't like already in a premade thing
preferably flowers that she had in her bunch when you got married
go home, put in vase, put in water
get laid
bonus, if she's also frugal tell her how you saved money
get laid again
also roses are for chumps who dont know dick from fuck about their wives/girlfriends or anything about giving gifts
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@wishgranter14 @TornadoOfTerror they also shouldn't have trusted a literal cia nigger
>reee blumpft did this
no you did when you trusted obama, faggots
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@sun @PNS hans, the gas
you got me, clearly i need to brush up on my british comedy
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