I love that democrats are gunna cause a government shut down and give Republicans all the credit.
Democrats can't even win when they do something great like shut down the government.
Can you imagine being that retarded?
I love that democrats are gunna cause a government shut down and give Republicans all the credit.
Democrats can't even win when they do something great like shut down the government.
Can you imagine being that retarded?
It's called midwittery.
He's a narcissist and of a much lower intelligence than he perceives himself to be.
Now every meme i see, i need to check twice to be sure jd wasn't snuck into the image.
Why wouldn't one of you put his face on something completely unrelated.
Seems like a completely reasonable issue to face at this point.
I'm beginning to think these jd vance memes are a 4d chess psyop.
The idea is to make meme lords essential destroy themselves like a li battery with thermal runaway
@mrman ok well don't tell any of the 4d chess player that.
Cause this shit is still hilarious
@icedquinn i don't understand how they ruled as they did.
The government has to pay out 2b
I don't get it.
Is there a part of this scotus ruling im not hearing?
Like, services were already rendered or some shit?
What's the 5 opinion?
No, you posted 6 videos of stupid retard dudes who like to fuck strippers because they are weak humans.
Fresh and fit is for gay retards who can't face their shadows.
They fuck the women they do because that's all they themselves are. Empty husks of stupidity just like the women.
Bleh. Stupid argument of a fool. Plenty of women aren't retards. Sad you don't have that experience
The india thing.
Trump is in a position to make favorable deals with India and Russia. Which are china's 2 largest partners in Brics.
He can make China and the EU Commies isolated and with only each other and shitholes like Iran and south Africa as partners if they don't change their commie ways.
Is there a name for someone who gaslights themselves?
Do we call in mental immolation?
Musk made serious wealth making a joke of the stock market yet only one of his businesses is publicly traded.
He spends no budget on marketing his businesses, while owning a platform that makes money on marketing.
An now as a guy who's main customers have been governments, he's gutting government.
It seems he exploits systems that he thinks are dumb, almost as an example, which appears immature.
Because he's a funny troll
That's all I like about him.
People who should only drive golf carts and live in 15 minute cities like push start
The start stop button for cars is a great example of retards who don't leave their pods designing things for real humans
The luddite club.
Started in nyc of all places.
@adam @John
This one's for both of you.
Most positive story the internet has shown me in awhile
Remember NFTs
Member berries members
@sun hahahaha. Noone wants to use that shit.
@KeepTakingTheSoma @Sophistifunk @polarisera
And so how can those of us who want more freedom liberate the minds of the sheep so that, at the very least, they will not rip out our throats and enslave us?
If you must talk about the StClair chick who probably has a different last name.
Can you please include a slutty photo.
Especially if you are gunna call her stupid ass an isreali spy.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
The moon is flat because you are a retard that believes stupid things for no functional reason.Having power and being immoral is not the same as being intelligent.Nobody is playing 2d chess let alone 4d chess. More like chutes and ladders.Folks need to show hanlon's razor more respect and stop pretending the lizard people are actually smart... or lizards..This is why I say the moon is flat
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