Notices by Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca (
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Mar-2025 22:08:57 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro >Rearming
lol -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Mar-2025 21:45:15 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@BroDrillard @NitroDubs @sickburnbro Easier to stack. Like mass produce cheap pine coffins for the paupers. Imagine a street of these, no a neighborhood. You'd be lucky to have enough yard back or front to stick out a plastic chair. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Monday, 24-Mar-2025 22:49:43 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro 69k for a glorified coffin?
Bro, [REDACTED]. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 19-Mar-2025 22:33:36 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro @pepsi_man The good thing about literally paper-thin citizenship is that it can be taken away as readily as it was handed out. Paper citizenship is just a warped application of NATIONALITY, and nationality is fundamentally based on ethnos, the nation. Blood.
Only a Liberal would think their paper-thin copes and rejections of hard realities can outlast such things. Which is why we'll end up with civil wars. A nation, citizenship that is for everyone is by definition for no-one. And people can't function on nothing. Which is why Muslims if anything double down on their shit-tier cultura and racial animus, and why Whites in turn are slowly but steadily realizing we're going to have to get bloody. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 19-Mar-2025 22:13:49 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro @dictatordave They're called useful idiots for a reason. They genuinely believe in the infantile delusions of librulism. They think utopia is actually something to strive for, and don't understand just where that term came from, despite it's commonly accepted definition of "magical fairytale perfect society that just works in every way".
Any time reality tries to check their delusions they just turn away and as you say, assume the end of history, day 0 will resolve it all.
>"Real liberalism has never been tried". -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Mar-2025 22:16:13 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@mischievoustomato @lain @lebronjames75 Squatxican "Christianity" is interesting to say the least. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Mar-2025 13:08:50 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Terry I think some faggots in the Pentagon and White House still don't realize what a big deal it is that zog carriers have been checked by an ostensibly third rate power.
First the carriers, then the dollar.
The future is going to those who see the way the wind's blowing and adapt accordingly. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 11-Mar-2025 23:35:08 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@dictatordave @ThePoastmasterGeneral Realism isn't fatalism. You can't kill what you refuse to acknowledge is trying to kill you in turn. Trump is the enemy as surely as any purestrain rabbi with foreskins hanging from the corner of his mouth, and if he tells you what you want to hear while he sinks the knife into your guts, well, that's on you if you believe a word of it. Sorry. The only way our race comes through this is by stop being copefags and start developing an uncompromising resistance to all who want to profit off the corpses of our race. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 11-Mar-2025 23:22:12 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@ThePoastmasterGeneral Absolute fire, Poastmaester cool it with the based-ism, save some for the rest of us. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Mar-2025 23:05:38 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro The French raised this alarm in their country a while back to. It's pretty obvious the way winds are blowing across the West to all but the tardiest of racially-ambiguous tards. Good. When someone's kicking you in the gut and refuses to stop, you're supposed to get up and punch the fucker out cold. What's going on in the West isn't a polite negotiation or misunderstanding, it's an attempt at genocide. If someone is coming to kill you, you have the complete natural right to make sure those would-be murderers fuck around and find out. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 01:09:12 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Terry Yo someone come get their senile Bongzog grandpa he done -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Monday, 03-Mar-2025 23:42:22 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro Isn't it weird it always comes back to "rural White people who are the most self-efficient and least urban-cucked are stupid/stinky, etc"
Cityshitter neurosis because deep down they know where the food comes from and it's not from their parasitical make-work bloffice jobs. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 21:50:24 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@KekistaniWanderer @Polfusilier @Bunsen @Turkleton Acting like a tough guy towards Russia is retarded. We can take or leave Europe, Europe can't ignore Russia.
They should be trying to have peaceable and mutually agreeable trade relations, not popping bottom stitches because Russians aren't as virulently into the political ideological equivalent of blowing their brains up the walls behind them to make room for more infinity-niggers like Eurozog. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Friday, 28-Feb-2025 23:08:51 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro I'm trying to think what actual traditional concept cuckserves promote except taking even more money from White men and giving it to every shitter with a sob-story no questions asked.
>Our list of political ideas grows thin, Gandalf -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Friday, 28-Feb-2025 23:05:21 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@pepsi_man @sickburnbro Cuckserves are Libs with a time delay. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Friday, 28-Feb-2025 02:12:28 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro Only to women and men who might as well be women (they will however never be women). And only because they've been told to. Nobody cares that countless Indians die stupid, or Chinese, etc.
How many White people lose sleep because Mexicans and Brazilians kill each other a lot?
Floods wash away millions of Chinese and the food millions more would have eaten? Yeah.
Indians shit themselves to death and a tide of garbage wipes out fields? Yeah.
It might make the news and get some #thoughtsandprayers but it doesn't cause the same level of liberal heart-bleeding that starving groids do.
Because in absence of constant brainwashing, we expect these people's to take care of themselves, naturally enough, just as we wouldn't expect much help from these peoples if we ourselves found ourselves experiencing famine. They tend their garden and we tend ours, or go hungry.
It's a matter of propaganda. Framing. They're not starving because the universe has just been that cruel to the poor Wakanda Negroes, they're starving because they're too stupid and violent to learn and consistently apply modern agriculture and logistics, i.e. civilization. People only 'care' because we've been indoctrinated to care about Africans dying from their own failure to evolve. Look at how few fucks many Whites give about other Whites. That's an unnatural inversion of the norm. If we can be made to think so little of our own, there's no reason to think we can't return to the natural norm of not unduly caring about evolutionary dead-end Blacks. We care because it was made "fashionable". Well fashions change. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Thursday, 27-Feb-2025 23:31:14 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro We've been Marshall-Planning them for decades and nothing to show for it.
Feed Koreans and you get a first world nation.
Feed niggers and you get infinity niggers.
The meme of equality dies hard. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Feb-2025 11:07:18 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro This shit has bee going on for a loooong time. The times I've seen obvious illegals who could barely string a few words of English together interviewing/applying for jobs and the recruiter/managers acting as if they weren't breaking the law entertaining these people.
Lotta unscrupulous employers out there. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Feb-2025 01:18:23 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro @EvilSandmich @Squadalah_Man I mean it's hardly a meme, all but signed confessions exist. -
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Feb-2025 22:51:14 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Squadalah_Man @EvilSandmich @sickburnbro Nobody said Globozog was all wise and all-knowing.
For a start they probably thought they'd genuinely upend Russia with the whole Ukraine op. Or at least fight Russia to a standstill. Which would have given them an opportunity to wriggle in and do a February~October style Revolution thing perhaps.
Smarter more analytical people had warned in the broad that this was not likely to be the case, still, ZOG went all in. They must have huffed too much of their own supply and genuinely believed that the post-war "Pax Judaica-by-proxy" was going to be a perennial thing.
Whatever the purpose of the Ukraine op (upending Russia, sabotaging Europe, both, more things), at some point it seems ZOG-Prime decided the op was over, and with Trump brought to heel, and resistance to his reelection largely pacified by command from the top, it looks very bipolar outside of America, geopolitically, the "sudden" change of heart.
We (America, the West in general) have been all but all-in on Ukraine for "our democracy" and all that nonsense. Suddenly with Trump's admin in, now it's "what war? That sound s silly, why are you Euros involved in that?". It's verging on gaslighting, but most of Eurozog aren't as in tune with the political climate here as we may assume. They're busy trying to get their populations to stop resisting infinity-niggers, and HR roasties crashing their economies into the Alps or whatever.
Anyway, long story short, they're sort of winging it a little at this point. It does raise an eyebrow about whether ZOG-Prime (formerly known as Washington DC) is starting to lose its grip over the more distant but nominally slaved cattle, but yeah.
That's my half-baked guess anyway. :pepeRetarded: