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this is the cruel truth of assimilation - except for tiny amounts in absolute numbers there is never assimilation, there is only a change in culture until everyone accepts it or there is civil war.
- BowserNoodle ☦️ repeated this.
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@threalist that's an *extremely* good example
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Someone around here made the observation that people can't even leave their beloved sports teams behind when moving State to State, but somehow it is expected that people will somehow leave their entire ideology and belief system behind when moving country to country..
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@pepsi_man well, once you let them become citizens, that puts you in a pickle then, no?
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Hot take:
idgaf what shit skins think, and neither should you
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@HWABAG I think Singapore shows it can - but only as long as you hold it to the classical sense of "you can petition the government for greviences" not the modern "I can do what I want and call it speech because speech is expression and I'm expressing myself"
But the trick perhaps is "is that really multiculturalism?" and that's worth asking about.
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free speech and multiculturalism cannot coexist
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@HWABAG right, the question is "what actually constitutes multi-culturalism" - does it simply mean different cultures can *exist* and live under a common shared set of rules which doesn't favor them in every-day life?
It's not something at this point I even care to think about, because at this point I think any type of multiculturalism is incompatible with the european spirit.
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non-chinese in singapore are effectively barred from holding any positions of actual authority (including political)
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@sickburnbro mfw fake left has no problem being colonized by sub humans
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@dictatordave These sort of lefties actually hold those groups in more contempt than you'd image.
You can tell this by their code switching. Most of them are well policed around subjects they know are dangerous, but if you ask the right kinds of questions you can get a lot of very funny answers.
Basically "good schools" but something where they don't know it's bad.
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@sickburnbro The myth of assimilation primarily came Ellis Island immigrants in America, but I think few would argue that those people actually transformed into 1800's WASPs.
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@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum Tammany Hall is quite literally the normal historical point to bring up here
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@dictatordave In their mind neoliberalism just won't let that happen. NATO will always come in to put people in their place.
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@sickburnbro how do limp lefty fags intend to deal with being over powered by sub humans who dont care about being called raycis
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@Bunsen @dictatordave of course not, it never does
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@dictatordave @sickburnbro It won't end peacefully. That is all.
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@YourAverageNewfag that's subjugation, quite a different beast.
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@sickburnbro There is assimilation actually
It's called violent conquest
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@CrustyBurgerhead @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum sure, but I mean in the American context where someone wants to do the "it'll be different here, in America"
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I'd go with the Gates of Vienna.
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@sickburnbro @dictatordave They're called useful idiots for a reason. They genuinely believe in the infantile delusions of librulism. They think utopia is actually something to strive for, and don't understand just where that term came from, despite it's commonly accepted definition of "magical fairytale perfect society that just works in every way".
Any time reality tries to check their delusions they just turn away and as you say, assume the end of history, day 0 will resolve it all.
>"Real liberalism has never been tried".
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@sickburnbro @pepsi_man The good thing about literally paper-thin citizenship is that it can be taken away as readily as it was handed out. Paper citizenship is just a warped application of NATIONALITY, and nationality is fundamentally based on ethnos, the nation. Blood.
Only a Liberal would think their paper-thin copes and rejections of hard realities can outlast such things. Which is why we'll end up with civil wars. A nation, citizenship that is for everyone is by definition for no-one. And people can't function on nothing. Which is why Muslims if anything double down on their shit-tier cultura and racial animus, and why Whites in turn are slowly but steadily realizing we're going to have to get bloody.
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@DMA it's not just effort - it's pain - because you are giving up your old way of being.
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Assimilation requires effort and respect for the host country.
They hate the host before they arrive. As parasites from the beginning. They want to feed and develop till it’s dead. It feels nothing but hate for its free meal.
Once we understand we are inviting our death here. All immigration should freeze. If given a visa to visit they must leave after 30 days. Zero rights here.
Better yet no Muslims or Jews should be allowed on US soil.
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@AshChapelsGhost @sickburnbro I tend to use either the Britons for their strong archer line, or the Hindustanis for the imperial camels. I dont have much success using pikes, cos the malmelukes attacks shred them
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