@cstross Can't say I know. Bought some for the first time recently and my reaction was similar to yours - I thought they forewarn you and that the battery life was about a year's worth anyway.
@evan I'm afraid that article emphasises my point. I mean I do like a clitoris, but not everyone else does.
(PS. Aware that your polls are to be answered how *I* interpret them. Not going to come across well in writing but my original reply was tongue in cheek.)
@evan Qualified yes because I'm not convinced the definition of 'beans' is universal across cultures. If your beans are the same as my beans then it's a strong yes.
@BlackAzizAnansi Counterpoint: my dad removed all digital means of paying for anything from his computer and phone, and now has to go to the bank to pay for anything, or get physical money out, because he knew he could no longer trust himself not to get scammed. I didn't even need to tell him. And I'm stupidly proud of him for it, although it's tragic that he found it necessary to even think that way.
@mekkaokereke Even if they aren't innocent, willingly killing people irrespective of what they've done is still abhorrent. The death penalty is an abomination no matter who it is used against.
@StillIRise1963 It's one of those things that makes white supremacy and its adherents ridiculous whiners: the blood of the 'superior race' is always the one that gets 'diluted'... if you're as goddamned superior as you say you are, surely it should be the other way around.
Ultimately white supremacy is based on a premise that the white race is fundamentally weak and pathetic: it is never the whites who spread 'purity' to others, it is always the other that 'contaminates' them.
@StillIRise1963 It's the same with their whinging about culture: tell me Mr White Supremacist, how is it that your white, Christian culture is so incredibly trivial to replace by Islam and Judaism when it is so fucking superior and dominant?
Again, they're outright telling you that despite their rhetoric and bluster, they really think it is they who are the weak, puny, snivelling nothings of the world.
@agiletortoise@designatednerd If you needed clear evidence that not enough senior people at Apple 'eat their own dog food', it's that Tim Cook isn't reminded of Steve Job's birthday every year... and that Contacts is one of the most terrible applications that has seen virtually no improvements in its entire existence on any Apple platform.
@thisismissem@GossiTheDog@vmstan NB. hCAPTCHA is not accessible. Please read the real world experience of screen reader users as to why - here's a starting point:
A stuffed simian. Posts auto-delete after 2 weeks. Avatar alt-text: The head and upper torso of a stuffed gorilla. The gorilla is seated and its body is directed slightly towards the left. The head faces the same way but the gorilla is looking directly at the viewer.Header alt-text: A 'Show Your Stripes' graph showing temperature anomalies for London since 1850, relative to a 1961 to 2010 baseline. The lines to the left are blue and become progressively redder to the right.