Every government that uses #Signal should be forced to donate at least $1M per year to the foundation. Triple that amount when they accidentally invite journalists to top secret groups. :)
Im moment gibt es (Quelle: statista, Stand 02/2025) rund 13,5 millionen Abonnenten des #Deutschlandticket Davon sind viele Semestertickets, Jobtickets. Also gehen wir mal von durchschnittlich €42/Monat statt €58/Monat an Einnahmen aus.
13,5 millionen mal 42 mal 12 = 6.804.000.000. Also 6,8 Milliarden € an Einnahmen jährlich.
Diese 6,8 Milliarden entsprechen ziemlich genau den entgangenen Einnahmen für den Staat durch die Pendlerpauschale. Soll heißen: Würde man Pendlerpauschale und Dienstwagenprivileg abschaffen und die Mehreinnahmen für das Deutschlandticket verwenden, wäre das D-Ticket fast schon gratis möglich ;)
Aber ich finde es schon wichtig, dass die, die genug verdienen sich auch an den Kosten beteiligen. Also €19/Monat fände ich gut. Damit hätte man dann ca 3-4 Milliarden, die man direkt und zweckgebunden in den Ausbau des ÖPNV stecken könnte!
A transnational movement to make governments and the UN cover all costs to generate standards and publish all standards as public domain. #WhatIsMissing cc @carlmalamud
“Or wherever you get your podcasts” is one of the most powerful statements and one of the last remnants of the free internet of people we elders of the internet were building and it is totally worth defending and expanding, IMHO.
Congratulations to @mccoysmith@suehle and @carlopiana for being elected to the OSI (Open Source Initiative) board of directors! I look forward to you moving or common goal — more Open everywhere — to the next level!
@larsmb They refused to sign the board agreement, as far as I understand. (UPDATE: more precise: they refused to use the tool (DocuSign) that OSI mandated) @bkuhn@downey
@lauren seems to be hygroscopic. The hotter, the drier, the less. And the colder, the more condensing, the more active. What is the floor? Concrete? Is there a stain somewhere?
UPDATE: NOT TRUE Now that #Brother printers are joining the Dark Side of The Force with their firmware updates that start to look for original toner cartridges,
This story has been debunked and Brother has clearly stated that they do NOT check for original toner/ink in normal operation but do prefer original cartridges when troubleshooting, which makes sense.
Thanks to all who replied, I will happily stick with Brother :)
Tonight, after 8 months, I will finally be able to sleep uninterrupted. The source of the weird (and loud) irregular sound that woke me up several times per night, like stones hitting each other, has finally been identified. It was a bunch of CDs hanging from the rooftop to scare away birds from nesting and it used to be fixed to the ground. That wire has been cut 8 months ago, causing the CDs to hit a structural element when the wind moved it. I fixed that. I can finally sleep tight again :)
Dutch parliament sends motion to government, asking them to make sure the DNS (Domain Name Service) for TLD .nl is running on servers that are physically located in the Netherlands. The planned outsourcing of (parts of) the infrastructure to AWS is to be reversed and the government shall inform the parliament of the outcome before the summer break. https://mastodon.nl/@bert_hubert/114184175675997330
@amszmidt In 1993 I started studying computer science at the Paderborn university with a 10 MBit ethernet connection in the student apartment. I guess I was really lucky :) At that time we were compiling and installing Free Software on SPARC stations in the university and on 80386 based PCs at home. @tante@till
@amszmidt I disagree but I won't get into this discussion about founding legends. GPL V2 was released 1991, when home computers and PCs were readily available and networks based on TCP/IP became more accessible. I compiled my first pieces of Free Software on an Atari 1040 STf, which was released in 1986 and quite powerful and not unobtainium, IMHO. @tante@till
@tante@till The whole concept of FOSS as established 30+ years ago was based on the concept of distribution and decentralisation. Of owning your computer and network resources. It didn’t anticipate the restaurative movement to centralisation with cloud etc. which is the new mainframe, IMHO.
Going through the Captain Future series again and noting the subtle differences in his uniform between episodes. Also comparing it with the new comic book that came out a few months ago that shows even more differences. Hm. Getting the costume right will be impossible, no matter how I decide, some hardcore fans will say that in Season 1, episode 8 the knee covers definitely were different ;)
Sometimes the breast cover seems to be a smooth surface, in other pictures it seems to have additional lines. And this one recreation really doesn't look good enough (note the shoulder parts and the missing "ventilation ducts" in the breast cover :)
Bought a book a few years ago because I liked it at €29,95. I just thought it might be a good present for a good friend so tried to order it again. Well. It's now a (very) rare book and you can only get it used for a typical price of €300. Oops. I guess I'll find another present for my friend.
My private account. Posts/Opinions are my own. Focused on #Open and TCP/ID, identity ownership in the real and digital world. 3D printer. Can solder and repair. Antifascist. European. Policy hacker. He/Him/His $argon2id$v=19$m=512,t=256,p=1$SWmoDffV/hOu+/Vii5Nxsw$zYZ5n+cXxZLKoLnXZJjll1JWcCFyiRVli7xOPqu63GM Blocks threads.net Works at Red Hat.