@foone Do you often get games checking for this and introducing errors? I know CRPG Addict has had issues with cracked games where they would introduce problems if you bypassed the copy protection in the most obvious way
@Fragglemuppet I saw recently by a metafilter that someone had made a playlist entirely consisting of songs named Personal Jesus (and many, many covers of those songs)
@mekkaokereke I remember my Dad watching a documentary about the Tuskegee airman in WWII! They had some interviews with the survivors, it was really cool.
@mekkaokereke In BC they put out news articles every season on how we have messed up the forests for the last 100 years by putting EVERY fire out, leading to really bad fuel build up.
@xgranade I mean wasn't 1988 the height of the Japanese boom economy? I think the appearance of the scary Japanese corporation in Die Hard was not a coincidence
Only if you hold it there! I mean, my Mom let us use beeswax candles for Ukrainian Easter eggs when I was a little kid, it's pretty hard to burn yourself.
AND since I've got the video handy: Lesson one you learn when doing glassblowing: Toching fire
@xgranade ahhhh. See I'm thinking of fire as a day to day that people encounter day to day, and a candle flame is multiple J, like it wouldn't take long to raise a mL of water by 1 degree at all, and no one would say a candle is a lot.
@xgranade so I just went over my shelf and discovered that I did not keep any of the textbooks that would be useful for double checking my memory with regards to units and amounts of energy.
so the only textbook I currently own with that sort of information is my grandfather's that he used when he was a teacher XD
It did confirm I remember my energy is correctly, and it's not like they've changed since 1969 XD
@xgranade not sure how you're defining a lot then, because that's very little energy from a chemistry perspective? Like even for one bond. C-H is about 100 kcal, C-C ~80 kcal.