Of course I’m being slightly facetious. Don’t be annoying. But your silly joke to a complete stranger can be taken the entirely wrong way, leading to a block, or it can intrigue.
Look, I have many problems with Wikipedia, most of all its deletionism, but its editorial slant isn’t “woke”. It’s centrist tech bro. Star Trek Season 27 episode 43? Needs its own article. FLOSS project with five users? Needs its own article. Everything else? Relevance criteria! Literal expert scientist contributed something? We don’t accept primary sources!
But until there’s something better, yeah, we should stand in its defense.
@LangerJan@Tinido I’ve seen it (and The West Wing) described as “workplace porn” in that it gives us an unrealistically positive impression of how professionals interact with each other
@chaosmonkey@jwildeboer@taschenorakel it’s decentralization in the sense that Facebook and Twitter aren’t the classic mass media, which they’ve lost trust in.
We’ve moved from people mostly getting their information from the newspaper or the evening TV news, then discussing them at the pub to them increasingly using smaller information sources (some random with a blog, or on Facebook, or elsewhere) that blur the line of information and opinion.
@maybenot@chaosmonkey@jwildeboer@taschenorakel I’m not sure that’s true. If Facebook, Twitter, TikTok et al didn’t exist, and the Fediverse were massive, I see no reason to believe a state- or oligarch-funded disinfo op wouldn’t be hugely popular right here.
Would some instances block it? Sure. But would a lot of people actively seek it? Yes.
@jwildeboer@taschenorakel optimistically, yes. Cynically, well, look at COVID. Decentralization has made people trust the local town crier over medical professionals.
That phenomenon has always existed to some extent, but its influence has grown in recent decades.
@taschenorakel@jwildeboer agreed. Thatcherism et al were the seeds towards a rise of cynicism, belief that the state can do no good, that things are getting worse, that what we used to have is going away.
But tax policy isn’t enough; the changed media landscape is also a huge problem.
@taschenorakel@jwildeboer but while changing tax policy is relatively easy, putting the media genie back in its bottle is hard. How do you make people trust journalists again? How do you explain that “social media” has its virtues, but often amplifies lies and sometimes even propaganda?
@goatsarah@ska yes, there’s a vibe of “all it takes is a Sufficiently Hardcore™ Developer” to it. Plus, the compiler is there to serve the developer, not vice versa.
Maybe, but the reality is that it never happens. Not in small teams, not in big teams, not in academia, not in corporations. Safety bugs keep occurring. There comes a point where it’s a dead horse.
@lazyq2@aral and your conclusion from that is that they should continue not to ask for consent, rather than that they need to improve their sales pitch?
@kangaroo5383 “Safest way to start an enterprise SaaS startup is to have a buyer lined up before it’s founded.”
I wish we’d call whatever that is a “startup”. A startup is a company that’s just getting started, not one designed from the get-go to be someone’s exit strategy.
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SoftwareDeveloper in 🇩🇪 #BremenSome #politics, some #tech (esp. #Mac), #StarTrek 🖖🏻, #music, occasional #photography, #MystI also develop a fork of #Mastonaut, a macOS native Mastodon client: https://github.com/chucker/Mastonaut(#fedi22)