Curious, it shows you as following me and me not following you. I think I did send a follow request on Nov 8, which the system showed you granted. This is weird.
@staringatclouds If it was advisory, wouldn't that mean it was actually the driver who took the three passengers over the cliff after one of them said they wanted to?
This is a skeptical but genuine question. I am looking to make good decisions and if it actually helps I'm super on board with also not voting when my time comes.
Could you maybe outline what you think are the benefits of not voting and how they weigh against the difference a vote would make?
I'm getting "voting lulls you into thinking you've done something when you haven't and so prevents real change", is that the point?
I would agree to that on a larger scale but don't understand the actual downside on a personal level for e.g. someone who's already engaged in activism.
@richpuchalsky A possibility is that they have fallen into shock because you abandoned them in their fight for the lesser evil, they have lost and they now face a problem ten times larger than before. But that's only one possibility. The one that absolves you of this result is another.
@grrlscientist Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Hungary are European Union member states (and a couple others that aren't comfortably close to a landslide). Czechia and Greece are particularly surprising to me..
"I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me."
@ionica@amberfirefly A former childhood friend of ours was obsessed with catching a particular hare that always seemed to get the best of him. We found him crushed under a gigantic weight one day, we're still not clear what happened.
@nobs Ich bin über diesen Austausch etwas frustriert. Ich glaube fest an Ihre (und meine) guten Absichten und dass wir uns hier eigentlich nicht hätten streiten müssen.
@nobs Ich habe von "dieser Beschwichtungskultur" gesprochen und damit Ihre meiner Auffassung nach beschwichtigende Aussage in den Kontext vieler solcher setzen wollen. Weitere Schlüsse über Ihren Charakter erlaubte das und ich mir nicht. Ich habe klar und bewusst gesagt, dass ich es nicht verstehe.
Ihre eigene Einordnung will ich Ihnen nicht absprechen, ich reagiere darauf. Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie den Geist von Punkt 4 auch auf Ihre Beiträge anwendeten.
Consistently conflicted. Properly inconsolable.These are more like publicly accessible private notes, not announcements, and none are likely to be of interest to anyone but me or my imaginary therapist.I'll love if you add something you think is neat or interesting. I'll not love if I think you were just reminded of your own opinion and want to indiscriminately express it.Anything but tautologies and symbolism is stray.I'm not using this right.