I've been playing the top down shooter #TheAscent lately. Being a sucker for SF worlds that feel lived in this is a feast. The amount of detail is almost overwhelming. So much neon. The twin stick shooty part is also fun although the duck & cover system is mostly useless with quickly swarming enemies. Can't shake the feeling that this amazing world would have deserved a better story though. #pcgaming#gaming
I was at the botanical garden and all the flowers were dead. They put up some large signs with poems instead, all about winter and death. It was depressing. I said, that's no way to do this! In the summer you can have all the memento mori you want. But in the winter we need melancholy wistful poems of summer!
I went to a former land fill just off the coast of #SantaCruz de #Tenerife. Someone topped it with fertile soil and turned this old dump into a beautiful garden hill called #Palmetum. It now gives home to hundreds of #palms from all over the world. Since I'm quite passionate about these plants I made many photos. Here are some of their alien fruits. #kphoto#palms
the gigantic palm #TahinaSpectabilis was only discovered in 2007. it grows exclusively in a small area on Madagascar. only about 90 specimens exist. plus 3 in the #Palmetum park on #Tenerife. its leaves are very rigid, like thin wood.
there's just a handful of barrel shaped palm tree species around the world and they all grow on islands. they store starch in their trunks to get an early start when the rain season comes around. #palms#kphoto
@dalias@spzb@robpike That is a web standard, the browser compatibility chart showing it does work on all modern browsers is right there. It doesn't require JS or anything.