@BowsacNoodle@KingOfWhiteAmerica@HarryNuggets >Changing a timing belt tensioner in an interference engine without changing the timing belt using a broomstick to wedge the belt in place. Saved $1,500 in labor.
what why would you do that just replace the belt anyway they're like $50
@EvilSandmich@jb We transfer food, parts, and ordnance at sea every single day. Air-based platforms and ammunition for the 5" gun, 25mm, and CIWS can be sent over on the line at sea, we have a whole class of ship (T-AKE) specifically designed to do this.
Vertical launch systems *can* theoretically be reloaded at sea, but we have never done it with live ammunition because it's retard dangerous. Getting a 25' long canister into a square hole is hard enough in port, it's basically impossible in anything worse than a sea state 3. NAVSEA is working on the problem (TRAM) and initial test results have been mixed.
Probably doesn't matter anyway though, it's been known for as long as missisles have existsed that if you shoot [enemy capacity + 1] you're going to score a kill. Being able to reload at sea isn't going to change that math in an actual peer-conflict naval engagement.
@EvilSandmich@jb We're pretty good at moving shit around quickly by air, but sealift capability has been in freefall for 30 years now. We just don't have the hulls in the water to move stuff like we did during the cold war. But everything we do in current year + 9 is low-intensity so it isn't obviously a problem yet.
Biggest issue we will run into in a sustained conflict is coming up with spare parts. A lot of our shit is obselete with no available repair or replacement sources identified. That can probably be fixed with money too but there's going to be lead times involved.
@Zergling_man@supersid333@shy The focus group was right though, they went hard circa 1998 and I would rather have that than school lunch or a ham sandwich.
This is clear parody of the very common "he's a dude you could have a beer with!!!" sentiment loudly expressed by boomers RE:dubya, this foid actually has a sense of humor.
@wgiwf@sickburnbro Yes but it is worth noting that the twerking mulattoes were preceded by irish tenant farmers, polack coalslaves, and wop factory hands who similarly lack standing for participation in civil society and government