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This is the critical piece; you can spend money, but it doesn't actually buy people loving you
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@jimmybuffettfanaccount people used to understand that money doesn't solve nearly as many problems as advertised.
Every time people talk about this, I think about Bowling Alone. Our GDP might be higher ( and thus more money!) but it doesn't seem to be able to buy community
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@sickburnbro money solves a lot of problems but it seemingly can’t make people want to die for jews and it definitively can’t make people form happy functioning couples with more than 2 children at scale. which is a problem for the system because these are existential issues for it and money is the only tool in their toolbox.
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>Ukrainian youth is more willing to fight for Ukraine than Russian youth are willing to fight for Putin. :jahy_hmm:
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@SuperSnekFriend I'd ignore the result from Ukraine since they haven't even had an election in a while
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@SuperSnekFriend I said that for a very pertinent reason, though.
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That's a non-sequitur during this war and you know it.
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@poastoak @SuperSnekFriend it doesn't need to be fictitious, it could be as simple as "saying I'm willing to die for Ukraine is the publicly acceptable option"
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@SuperSnekFriend @sickburnbro idk bro the videos of press gangs roaming the streets and black bagging niggas seems to indicate that perhaps the data being presented here is ficticious