A man who has been murdered by an assassin makes a good hero. He can neither do anything bad to jeopardise his heroic status, nor can he defend himself against appropriation.
1) there seems to be no working cli Client. The one I found can read posts and claims to be able to send posts, But they Do not appear online. Seems to be an abandoned project.
2) there seems to be no App for Android or iOS.
3) the Email notifications that friendica sends only ever say: something happened at this post of yours, Look online what it is.
4) the Web interface of friendica confuses me. Friendica has Features, that are missing in from Mastodon, But the UI/UX is as confusing as instagram and I never know what is going on.
ChatControl is relevant to Web Browsers and OSs. You May be able to circumvent ChatControl on your local Maschine, you May even be able to outsmart ChatControl when you use the Internet to communicate with a Person you personally know. But once you communicate with anyone and have not absolut control about the OS they use, you get exposed to it.
You introduced ChatControl into the thread (and you actually coined it into a question). Yes, this is a different aspect. But it has consequences for public communication.
If you do not like my contribution, just ignore me.
Whatever the supporters of ChatControl say or actually intend: ChatControl has universal consequences and does not differentiate between private and public, between ee2e, encrypted, weak encrypted or not encrypted at all, as it is deep embedded into every communication device.
Jedenfalls hat kein Vizepräsdentschaftskandidat öfter als Vance dementiert mit verschiedenen Tierarten und Gegenständen Sex gehabt zu haben. Und da er allein durch seine Existenz eine Beleidigung für alle anderen mittelalten weißen Männer ist, gibt es inzwischen keine Menschengruppe mehr, die er noch nicht beleidigt und abgewertet hat.
Dabei macht er ja nichts anderes als Trump. Nur was die Trump Befürworter bei Trump gut finden, wird von fast allen bei Vance als abschreckend erlebt. Er ist quasi der Anti-Trump oder das Kryptonit des Trumpismus.
Menschen die um Rat fragen, wollen halt bestätigt bekommen, was sie ohnehin schon glauben. Und wenn das dann trotzdem nicht das richtige war, ist der ratgeber schuld, der es bestätigt hatte.
In February 2022 photos of protests of Uyghurs and Tibetans against the Olympic Games in Beijing 2022 had more than 5 million pageviews in the WM-universe alone
Offroader is an Android app that uploads media files to Wikipedia's media archive even if (for example in a catastrophic area) only a very slow and shaky internet connection is available and can also resume a broken upload over another connection or with another device and with minimal data usage.
Die #GoingDark gruppe der #EU will ja alle IoT geräte für staatliche Überwachung (und damit auch für Stalker) öffnen. Jede "Ring"-Kamera, jede Video-Überwachung des eigenen Gartens, jedes Siri, Echo, OKgoogle gerät und alle konkurrierenden Systeme zB von Herstellern smarter Bluetoothlautsprecher oder Fernseher, jeder intelligente Strom-, Wasser oder Gaszähler, jedes MicroSoft-Recall-Gerät, jedes iPhone ab iOS18 und natürlich jeder Desktop, Tower, Tablet, Laptop, Smartphone, Smartwatch, Fitnessband, Cochlea-Implantat, Hörgerät wird zu Big Brother. Orwell hätte sich das nicht vorstellen können.
[Bei den Tile-Trackern einfach die Batterie rausnehmen. Die sind harmlos.]
Sicher? Meines Wissens geht Signal nicht mal auf deutlich jüngeren geräten. Versuch mal eine Nachricht zu senden und eine zu empfangen. Threema möglicherweise ähnlich.
Grundsätzlich läuft auf iPhones Organic Maps. Google Maps und Apple Maps sollten nie verwendet werden.
A new (?) feature, that I really like, is the display of author and date in the preview cards of external links. (Obviously it can only work for websites, that provide this information as structured data.)
[I will not tell in which Smartphone APP i registered successfully using an "example.com" mail address. I had to try twice, an account with the first example.com-address i tried already existed.]
"(In fairness, they plead ignorance of the capability)"
If true, it makes it only worse: "you must install this software, we made sure, that we do not know, what it does."
OTOH: During Covid measures many (all?) students in Germany installed root kits on there devices on request of their universities and as far as i know no professor protested against it.
I publish my photos and videos at Commons.Wikimedia.org :commons: :wiki1: and p7press.eu - searchable by tfr tootfinder ch:commons: :wiki1: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:C.Suthorn/gallery:threema: https://p7press.eu/THR/EMA:peertube: :c4: http://p7press.eu/PeerTube:syslink: :c4: :wiki1: https://p7press.eu/glamtool https://no-pony.farm/@Lifeis/110129408964031981 :syslink: :ithr: :ithrthumb: :c4: https://no-pony.farm/@Lifeis/110067513025388968 :syslink: :fbsn: :fbsnthumb: :c4: https://no-pony.farm/@Lifeis/110065632015181467 :syslink: :otth: :otththumb: :c4: https://no-pony.farm/@Lifeis/110057443720061036See also the bot :wi: @Petiis - follow & sign petitions!Invitation: Join Wikipedia and publish your fotos. Questions? Ask me here, via DM or via Threema (also: Briar, SimpleX):syslink: https://no-pony.farm/@Lifeis/112309002343745983:syslink: https://no-pony.farm/@Lifeis/112551463505892374