Nobody home this morning at the United States Institute of Peace web site.
Sabotage masquerading as patriotism.
Exhibit #12,273,493
Nobody home this morning at the United States Institute of Peace web site.
Sabotage masquerading as patriotism.
Exhibit #12,273,493
I'd like to reply to that with the following quote from #PeteHegseth himself:
@Gerd_Brodowski @rahmstorf Nein, im Gegenteil müsstn sie für noch mehr Klimaschutz votieren, um die negativen Auswirkungen von Rüstung und Krieg zu kompensieren.
Senator #MichaelBennet is going off! on #CIA director #JohnRatcliffe about the #Signal chat group.
#Bennet: “You’re the director of the CIA, and you didn’t check who was in the chat group?”
“Did you know the president’s national security adviser was in Moscow while on this thread?”
#Ratcliffe: I did not know that. (again, he’s the director of the CIA)
#Gen-Daten von über 15 Millionen #Menschen stehen zum Verkauf
23andMe meldet #Insolvenz an. Das kalifornische Unternehmen bietet kommerzielle #Gen - #Analysen an und ist im Besitz der #Erbdaten von Millionen von Menschen. Der kalifornische Justizminister befürchtet durch den Verkauf negative Folgen für Nutzer:innen und erinnert an das Recht auf Löschung der Daten.
Warner: And the idea somehow, well, none of this was classified, but we can't talk about it here. You can't have it both ways. #SignalGate
@monteastore @Gerd_Brodowski @rahmstorf
Ich denke seitdem ich den verlinkten Artikel über den CO2-Abdruck des #US-Militärs vor ein paar Jahren las, jede Woche an die möglichen #Klimafolgen (v. a. des) / #Ukrainekriegs:
Die gesamte Menschheit müsste an einem Strang ziehen, um die sich beschleunigende Erderwärmung abzumildern.
Stattdessen ist die Geopolitik ein Spielball machtbessessener Autokraten wie Putin, Trump und Xi sowie #Technofeudalherren wie #Musk & #Thiel.
There might be a time when you'll claim to be Canadian.
s/: It'll soon be the 51st State anyway, right? So, what's the difference /s
OMG, how did you remember that?
#GeoPol #China #Thailand #US #HumanRights #Uyghurs
... arguing that the deportees will almost certainly face persecution, arbitrary detention, or worse under the Chinese government.
"The deportations come at a time when #Beijing has been actively seeking to deepen its ties with #Bangkok, particularly over the vast cyberscam industry that has infected most of Thailand's neighbors."
Do read the excellent article for free:
#GeoPol #China #Thailand #US #HumanRights #Uyghurs
... #PaetongtarnShinawatra — economic growth. "Right now, that is more likely with China than that of the #UnitedStates,"..."
"... a #Thai analyst and columnist, told DW. "#Thailand is playing its usual balancing act and, in this case, it is simply prioritizing immediate interests."
The United States and several human rights organizations had spent months warning against such a move,...
#GeoPol #China #Thailand #US #HumanRights #Uyghurs
... think tank, this case marked an 👉 "inflection point" in #Thailand's geostrategic balancing."👈
"Thailand now is an open pawn in the US-China conflict," he told DW. "👉The big geostrategic danger is that the #Thai elite facing #US sanctions now move ever closer into China's orbit and compromise Thailand's once-famous balancing act."👈
"Instead, it is thinking about the one thing that matters most to #Thai Prime Minister...
#GeoPol #China #Thailand #US #HumanRights #Uyghurs
... global audience sees on a daily basis that decades old military (#NATO) and economic allies (#Canada/ #Mecico) are left hanging in the cold from one day to another. The arcane and insane #Mercantilist trade policies with aggressive, crippling #tariffs will lead to less trade with the #US.
"For #ThitinanPongsudhirak, a senior fellow at the #InstituteOfSecurityAndInternationalStudies, a...
#GeoPol #China #Thailand #US #HumanRights #Uyghurs
*"#Thai authorities deported a group of 40 #Uyghur men to #China last month"..."the hell those 40 #Uyghurs will face back in #Xinjiang"*
The last time #Bangkok did this was in 2015.
👉It is possible to see this as a precursor to the #US' waning geopolitical influence, as the disastrous #Trumpean #Foreign, #Economic, and #Security policies of the #AmericaFirst.👈 The...
#GeoPol #China #Thailand #US #HumanRights #Uyghurs
*"#Thai authorities deported a group of 40 #Uyghur men to #China last month"..."the hell those 40 #Uyghurs will face back in #Xinjiang"*
The last time #Bangkok did this was in 2015.
👉It is possible to see this as a precursor to the #US' waning geopolitical influence, as the disastrous #Trumpean #Foreign, #Economic, and #Security policies of the #AmericaFirst.👈 The...
2️⃣ Laut Onetz (€) ereignete sich der Vorfall bereits am 14.März, die ersten Berichte gab es letzten Donnerstag. Die Schülerin berichtet von der Wortwahl und dass die Hautfarbe eine Rolle spielte, der Anführer sei früher mit Gewalt aufgefallen.
US and Russia agree to safe navigation in Black Sea
- White House
The US and Russia have agreed to safe navigation in the Black Sea, which had been a key focus of talks this week.
They've also agreed on measures banning strikes on energy infrastructure in Russia and Ukraine.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Breaking #BreakingNews
*#Klimawandel: #Militär, Krieg und der #CO2- Ausstoß*
... sowie der Übernahme von #Grönland und #Kanada (als "51. Bundesstaat") ein ebenso expansionistisch-impeeriales Gedankengut aufweist wie #Putin oder #Xi ist politisch der Supergau fürs #Weltklima.
Bessere statistische Zahlen über den #CO2Abdruck des #USMilitärs wird es im den nächsten 4Jahren zumindest sicherlich auch nicht geben.
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