In this context, "setting the news agenda" refers to the ability of a political party or entity to influence the topics, issues, and stories that are covered by the media, particularly in the context of parliamentary committees of inquiry.
In Germany, parliamentary committees of inquiry (Untersuchungsausschüsse) have the power to investigate specific topics, summon witnesses, and gather evidence. By controlling or influencing these committees, a party can effectively decide which issues are investigated, which witnesses are called to testify, and which topics are prioritized.
As a result, the party can shape the narrative and focus of the media's coverage, influencing what stories are reported, how they are framed, and which aspects are emphasized. This, in turn, can impact public opinion, policy debates, and the overall political discourse.
I didn't see a single American yelling at the Germans about how to vote in their elections, incidentally. At the very least, I didn't offer my opinion about German politics to any Germans. But if I had a dollar for every German I saw screech "ORANGE MAN BAD" at an American ahead of our election. I mean, fuck's sake, Europeans spend more time lecturing Americans about our politics than they do explaining why their countries all suck. european_elections.jpg
@p Same. I asked another bot and it gave the same explanation. I think Reuters used weird wording, making it sound as if parties directly mandate what's on the news lol
The second explanation *** "Setting the news agenda" here refers to the ability to influence what political and social issues dominate public discourse by using institutional power, in this case, parliamentary committees of inquiry. These committees can investigate government actions, summon witnesses, and generate media coverage, shaping what topics receive attention and how they are framed. If a party like the AfD secures enough seats to form such committees, they can push their preferred narratives into the mainstream, forcing other parties and media to engage with them, even if only to respond or refute. This is a significant tool for political influence, even if the party remains excluded from government.
@p I don't know where it's coming from but in Germany especially (not exclusively) there is this image of the simpleton American. My guess is the prevailing cynicism that operates like mortar, filling every gap and fissure, in the construction of German perspective. That cynicism is seen as realism, and they don't see it in the American mentality. While Germans have a knack for solid engineering and quality production, looking at recent history, it is often Americans who innovate, create, and steer the winds of time. Making me wonder whether that European cynicism is just a different form of delusion, on the other end of the spectrum.
@irie Yeah, it seems like in Europe there's a kind of allergy to ambition and a neurosis about a lack of official anything, and it's the opposite in the US: someone talking about their certifications looks gauche at best, but usually sad.
@bonifartius I mainly want Europeans to stop bothering Americans about our politics. I don't really have the urge to interfere in German politics (except to the extent that it'd be nice if the BND and BMBF stopped bothering Americans).
@p I must also add these attitudes (arrogance, feelings of superiority) are more emphasized in Liberal demographics, the establishment. Counterpoints to it are Orban's conservative Hungary, openly friendly to MAGA and America; similar sentiment from Italy's Meloni who welcome Trump's victory, also conservative; and, yes, also Germany's AfD, who accepted Musk's support with open arms.
@irie@p this is correct. The main thing they were aiming for was to investigate the covid era shenanigans. It might still happen if the left will join in, but it's unlikely.
@p 25% of secondary votes are needed in the German parliament to make spontaneous inquiries, set items onto the discussion agenda and have a word at who sits in what commission.
That is how I understand the neighbors in the north do it.
@p would be great if everyone put less energy into the politics bullshit. fwiw it's the loud minority which yells at people, here and abroad. everyone else just doesn't really care anymore because things clearly will get more shit - it has been downhill for all of my life.
would likely fix almost every problem if people would stick to this!
> This is a bummer and I hope it reverses; I don't wanna live on Crap Earth, I wanna live on Good Earth.
subjectively: of the parts of my life that i can remember 90s were good, 2001 turned things (HST predicted this pretty accurate) and it's getting more shit every decade. a slow process, but still. entertainment is a pretty good marker for this: the only thing that gets done are lukewarm continuations of old franchises.
> would likely fix almost every problem if people would stick to this!
I don't know when we stopped putting that on the money, but obviously the red scare caused us to start writing about God on the money.
> 2001 turned things (HST predicted this pretty accurate)
It's been an issue.
> entertainment is a pretty good marker for this: the only thing that gets done are lukewarm continuations of old franchises.
Funny you should mention that, because my ex had this observation that the popular movies from the late 90s to 2001 were mostly about how the world is fake in one way or another, Fight Club and The Matrix and the whole slew of movies from around then.
@p even games got pretty uninspired. 90s had things getting redefined in one way or another. N64 and PSX had many unique games, PC likewise. most things after that were "better graphics".
could just me being an early millenial lamenting though ;)
@judgedread Slackware's fortune used to print, once in a while, "Say what you will about communism, but when a communist politician is done, he's really done."
> you can't trust anyone who's not hated and actively fought by jews.
I don't trust anyone that turns every conversation into one about Jews.
"If you meet the Buddha in the road, cut him down." And some people have an inverse-Buddha, and the same principle applies. Finger pointing to the moon, a man looks at the moon and a dog looks at the finger.
I don't buy that Jews are the ones stopping you from whatever it is you want to do, but it doesn't fucking matter: just pay attention to the thing instead of the thing that is the thing you think is usually in the way of the thing or you're not any better than the whiny baizuo complaining that capitalism is the real reason they are unhappy.
This is the same shit Nietzsche: defining yourself in terms of the thing you oppose ruins your ability to function without it. You turn into a broken thing, not a man. Nobody asks a roadblock for its goddamn name.
@Leyonhjelm@p afd is a kosher pressure release valve, but it'll be a great learning experience for regular people. you can't trust anyone who's not hated and actively fought by jews.
@p Around the time the UK cucked and gave up their guns, the NRA did one of those mashup man on the street interviews where one sorry-ass bloke pontificated that Americans can't just do what they want.
Yeah? Try and stop me, and shut up about my elections and go back to eating your cold beans and bread.
Nigger there’s No other German party worth the vote even to send them a message. Germany has the choice of controlled parties and controlled opposition party. You can either have fun in this thread or you can be a blackpill perfectionist faggot
@irie@p yes every german who still calls americans dumb are leftoid wine sipping urbanites who have gay sex. I am not joking. Might as well say that the Chinese communist party "voters" call Americans dumb.
@Doll@p@totalslothdeath And you need a dick pic to attach as reference? Not the worst way I've had a woman ask though honestly I'd expected better from you.
Otherwise, you'll have to explain why the EU keeps sending money to Palestine, and why, the first time Trump was in office and he said we were going to stop funding Palestine, Belgium announced they were going to make up the US funding cut ( ), and then announced even more money the last year because they were worried Trump would get elected again, they started pushing two get Palestine into the UN. Germany's allegedly *increased* Palestinian aid by 300 million euros: . I don't know what proportion of the total that represents (you can probably look up what your government is giving to Hamas to keep the opiates flowing better than I can), but it's not my tax dollars.
> Holocaust didn't happen btw.
NetzDG is being used for the 'rona now. Holocaust is old news. You have to tell people that zinc is good for them if you wanna get in trouble.
Anyway, whether or not the Holocaust happened doesn't affect any decision I make. It has less influence on my life than the brontosaurus/brachiosaurus debate, and I have spent too much time hearing about it from people that are probably on the BMBF payroll anyway. the_hydra_on_the_web--challenges_associated_with_extremist_use_of_the_fediverse.pdf
@p@eee@Leyonhjelm and after Afd said to be strong supporters of Israel no matter what happens, suddenly they're allowed to become the second biggest party in Germany. So many coincidences.
@p@bonifartius america's influence on the rest of the world. If it wasn't for cold war and the US influence on other countries people wouldn't care about US politics. NATO vs Eastern Bloc really puts a lot of attention to US politics, Russian politics and "Butthurt belt" (all the european countries that border russia) politics.
Sounds like their problem, not mine. I'd suggest they push their politicians to push back a little harder, but that's their business.
> NATO vs Eastern Bloc
Until "performative yelling on Twitter because everything is so Important" started, you'd see Euros complain about US politics but nobody from outside the country yelled at me during an election about how to vote. Nobody *inside* for that matter: I was on Twitter during elections before that. Politics got really shrill around 2013.
@p@Leyonhjelm every time someone replies with a snarky walltext to simple issues like that i wish conscription was real in your state and you had to die for your favorite master race
@bonifartius Everyone's shooting for realism but they're all landing in the same not-quite-realism region, and they all recycle their models. It's a dark age.
A lot of the older aesthetics came from the limitations but people that could make something interesting within those limitations could make something interesting now. As an industry, games are hit-based, so the studios get very risk-averse with the big budget games, so there's pressure to look like the other games. The interesting visuals usually come from indie games. Hotline Miami, games like that. Stray looked really great. People lost their shit when they saw The Last Night (and then Twitter killed that game). But then you look at something like Cyberpunk 2077, right, it's like the entire budget went into the art department.
@p some things improved after the 90s, i think the frostbite engine had some cool effects going on but not much improved since bf3.
i thnk aesthetics are most often born from the limitation of the medium. pixel art, wood block prints, etc. modern computer graphics don't have as many limitations anymore. last interesting 3d style was something like cel shading imo.