@p Around the time the UK cucked and gave up their guns, the NRA did one of those mashup man on the street interviews where one sorry-ass bloke pontificated that Americans can't just do what they want.
Yeah? Try and stop me, and shut up about my elections and go back to eating your cold beans and bread.
@ArdainianRight@wgiwf@griffith@sun A redpill moment I had a couple years ago: Rule of Law is a myth. No one has ever been under the Rule of Law. It is a pipe dream. In all of human history, we have been under the Rule of Men. And the men in charge are vital to prosperity (primarily by staying out of the way, but there can be more). A piece of paper has no power if leaders do not honor it.
It's not what I want. But it is what it is.
Yes, ultimately, it's God, but in a practical sense, we will have to settle for men. Choose wisely.
@Doll@p@shibao@ForbiddenDreamer What's even funnier is when you unfollow someone because they keep repoasting someone else you unfollowed...and then forget a month later and refollow them, wondering why you unfollowed them only to remember why in the first hour.
@sickburnbro@threalist His position, from what I can tell, is actually a pretty sneaky one. Sneaky in the sense that it gets him through the gatekeepers (mostly), but probably gets the antivaxxers (including me) what we want. They vigorously attack him knowing damn well that he has never once said he is against vaccines, but are deathly afraid of opening the books. It's that usual government supremacist attitude that kicks in. Don't you dare expose to the world how untrustworthy we are, because then you will destroy trust in government. No shit, Sherlock, but trust is earned, and if you have been untrustworthy, you don't deserve trust. It's in actual government records that are public (which I can probably dig up if anyone is interested), from the 1970s, that no opinion against vaccines must be allowed to propagate, *even if true*.
He has repeatedly said he is not antivaxx, but that he just wants 'safe' vaccines. He said he fought to get mercury out of fish (which I think he considers a lost cause, now), but no-one ever called him anti-fish. But he's also hinted that he doesn't think any vaccines can be made safe. So by demanding transparency and actual studies using actual placebos (rather than deceptively using other vaccines, or a shot with all the same adjuvants and other ingredients, but no antigen), and demonstrating the dangers conclusively, the crap will be taken off the market. He knows damn well that honest research will kill trust in vaccines, at least as concocted in the past 150+ years, as well it should.
Vaccine R&D and continued release of new shots won't be prohibited, but once the public gets a taste of what's been done to us, much like the USAID revelations, they'll demand more actual testing and transparency. It's a Pandora's Box that can't be closed.
There are a lot of idiots in the 'health freedom' moment that I've stopped paying attention to because they think this admin, including RFK, Jr. has pivioted. It might be true, but they are making assertions without understanding anything about strategy. I don't think there's been a pivot at all. Anti-Big Fooders and Anti-Vaxxers at each others throats, so-to-speak, when they don't need to be. Look at Trump's EO on MAHA put out yesterday and it doesn't say a word about vaccines. If it did, it might kill the movement in its crib. But it's rife with comments like 'transparency' and 'bring honest science back', etc. Again. Get it by the gatekeepers, but get to the destination you want.
@sickburnbro@cowanon I've unfollowed (but not blocked, because I don't get butthurt) a number of accounts because I think they forgot how to poast anything at all except Trump-drinks-jew-cum memes. I don't much care about the orange retard. But I care even less about monomanical memes when the needle is moving in the right direction. And not just in what is being said, but what has been done in a mere week.
Wondering if the blackpillers though are still saying, "Don't believe it! It's not enough!" Must suck to not be able to keep up with these rapid-fire EOs and other orders. I know *I'm* having trouble keeping up.
In related news, a (probably) Hawaiian judge has put a (temporary) stop to the birthright citizenship EO. They must realize that's a gimme. Notwithstanding the Ford pardon of Nixon, it may be easy to validate on appeal to SCOTUS. But even without that EO, the more we deport and the more keep from coming here in the first place, the less of a problem that is.
@TrevorGoodchild@sickburnbro@EdBoatConnoisseur Since you bring up the medical field...like everything else, PSA is bullshit. Reminds me of the PCR test for Covid where the late Kary Mullis, inventor of the test, said quick unequivocally that it was *not* a diagnostic tool. The inventor of the PSA has fought for years against using PSA levels to diagnose prostate cancer. It's useful as a monitoring tool, only, for someone *already* diagnosed.
@judgedread@cough I have a browser plugin called transporter that converts Wikipedia links to infogalatic links. Unfortunately, it's useless, since infogalactic has either been abandoned or run by incompetents.
It would be a lot easier to route around censorship if those who did it had a better track record.
@Escoffier@sickburnbro I was the first owner of my previous house and I saw as taco niggers 'built' it. For the 17 years I was there, I got more and more pissed of at how many corners were cut. Literally corners cut. They didn't know how to do corners with the molding, so just...didn't. Yup, there was a gap at least an inch before each corner. Plenty of other shit, too.
Taco niggers know how to work hard. They know how to get callouses. They know how to sweat. They have zero inclination or ability to be craftsmen or artisans.
My current home was built in 1979. So much more likely to have been built by White craftsmen, and will likely last much longer. And it just *feels* like that is the case.
@WilhelmIII@Billy_Hughes@KiKi88@jill I hear okeeedokeeee and all I can think of Lucy in Fallout right before doing something hell-a serious, like chopping off a head.
Also, that's not a koala. It's a sloth. Which would explain the annoyance of the waiter.
Late coming Gab refugee. Late coming Noticer of (((things))). Long time anticipator of TND. Think I'm a fairly SMAHT GUY, but regularly get humiliated.First Orania, then the world.The ride never ends.