Ze wife said I'm too old for that valentine's day gifts shit, but check this out! I got something after all! Also, sorry for shitty light. I'm no photogramophoner
@mk@PNS fuck yeah he should have a museum exhibit. Permanently! Gibbet the fucker in the death valley or somewhere else where he'll dry out nicely, once he's nice and mummified move him to the Smithsonian national museum and let him hang there till kingdom come so the future generations don't forget what happens when you go Fauci on the world!
@zephyrotv@scottdhansen of course, one could argue that printing paper money more than offset the costs of minting pennies, but still, yeah. Besides, what do you need pennies for anyways in an economy where a damn egg costs like 8 bucks for a dozen?! 🤣
@ILoveAmericaNews how I wish that was true. But ya know, given how Trump bends the knee for Bibi.... Kinda makes it clear who's really in charge, doesn't it
@ILoveAmericaNews apparently the Chinese are imposing 15% tariff on US coal and gas. You'd think they'd know better after they've shot these in both feet with the Australian coal thing, but no. Them commies never fuckin learn! 😂
@KK954@ILoveAmericaNews that's the concept, yeah. But the fact is that them foreign companies can only undercut the domestic companies because they offer products that are cheaper, which means that if you get rid of them, you pay more, obviously.
@ILoveAmericaNews they really are, aren't they. But the other side isn't wrong either when they say that it's the people who buy stuff pay the tariffs. Then again, historically speaking, blanket tariffs were exactly the thing that enabled the US government to not impose income taxes on it's citizens, so.... Perhaps not the worst business model after all 🤔
@ILoveAmericaNews fuck! The Google autocorrect got me once again. Still tho. I'm kinda thinking it's only a win if the american general public follows trough, and that's yet to be seen.
@ILoveAmericaNews I wish all that shit could be reversed simply by having a new president, but I kinda doubt that is really the car. The reality that parenthood is work and responsibility, neither of which people want these days, sadly
@mk@magicalthinking it doesn't matter in trade. You just need to know the value. It's not like you're buying currency as a commodity when you're buying fuckin' rice or whatever.
@mk@magicalthinking it's not different at all. The thing is tho that when it comes to USD, you more or less know the state of the US economy, you know how many dollars are in circulation, so you can estimate the value of your dollars. Now so much when it comes to anything depending on Yuan, because China doesn't publish data, everything's hash hash, and on top of that the exchange rate of Yuan is set by CCP decree instead of that of a market. See the fundamental no-go there, I hope