The presence of ethically questionable companies worth millions or even billions of euros like Google, Red Hat, Oracle, Mozilla, Element, Canonical and many many more was always there at FOSDEM.
If you have a problem with Jack Dorsey's new Block company you should ask yourself the question, why is this any different?
To me this seems just like another drop in the bucket.
Remember that FOSDEM is not a free software convention, it has "open source" in the name. The organizers do not care about software freedom. It has always been like this.
@taylan@SuperDicq proper way would be to ask fosdem for a slot to do a discussion on the points of disagreement. somehow i never see socialists do that, it's always just screaming and ruining the work of others. cf. talks of people like peterson where a bunch of people storms the stage or screams around in the audience.
if someone proposes a discussion the "protesters" make up reasons to decline like that either they can't discuss because the other side is evil or that the other side would not properly discuss. fully aware their ideology doesn't hold water and would collapse given the most basic scrutiny. it's a religion after all.
@taylan@SuperDicq no it's consequent in applying principles. he by force prevents the owners of the property to use it as they intend to. that's violence.
@SuperDicq his bullshit "savior of the people" larp is annoying. he's a violent criminal like every other commie: "sit in" isn't "peaceful protest" on someone elses property. if he wants to do a sit in he should stay on his couch.
@Rasta@taylan impressive, very nice. now let's see public schools.
quick search gives me numbers of about 10% of kids reporting sexual abuse in public schools. with no escape because teachers cover each other like cops and you get into legal trouble for not going because of mandatory schooling or rules that make homeschooling impossible.
regarding the original topic, i fail to see why drag queens should interact with children at all, even (or especially) if one buys into the idea of other identities existing. drag is an art form (questionable) consisting of making fun of women in an oversexualized way.
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war aber schon ganz oft straffällig geworden.
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