Phenomenal 2024-updated covid zine - briefly debunking the market-sanctioned narrative about where we are, then providing actionable info (useful despite institutional abandonment) replete with ready citations.
@airshipper@frawst Doesn't have to make money, just has to goose the stock prices. C-suites and other uppers are often largely compensated in company stock because it's easier to dodge taxes and looks better on the balance sheet.
@hannu_ikonen I wish I could buy ahead the things I'm most worried about but they don't want you doing that with prescriptions, even scripts absolutely nobody else could use. I need to get more HEPA filters, thanks for the reminder. Just loaded up on respirator filters. Seeds are another good thought.
@alcinnz@dwenius I wish we could "name and claim" these companies, or that they'd do it themselves. I'd rather work with organizations passing the bar on the ground for not burning the planet.
@dnkboston@blogdiva@GaslitNation I suspect George Miller knew just what he was doing with the War Boys in Fury Road. Today’s is a generation of children who have been raised with the sense they have no future, and live in a dying world, but unlike any of those trying thanklessly (or oppressed for their efforts) to slow the bleeding in societies pretending it’s accidental, children of death cults get to be affirmed, proud, full of purpose.
@HauntedOwlbear THIS. You can prevent your favorite (metaphorical) bar becoming a nazi bar by KICKING OUT THE DAMN NAZIS WHEN YOU SPOT THEM. It's not that hard to make a place inhospitable to harmful ideas, you simply call them out. Being nice and polite to nazis comes at the cost of being kind or inclusive to anyone else.
@Zumbador@inthehands Very much this. I don't think the hopelessness was intentional in relation to the pandemic specifically, but it's a feature, not a bug, in late-stage capitalism, which is the context in which the pandemic went from natural disaster to rampant social murder.
Cf. abortion bans, the looming specter of bathroom bills & book bans: rights revocations mean you can't guess, so you can't plan. It's terrorism. For many it rehashes existing trauma too.
@goatsarah ... if you are in possession of a Tumblr, this would do numbers, and someone (not me without request to be clear) is gonna end up posting it there anyway eventually, would rather reblog the original source.
I haven't been able to muster much surprise or shock. Anybody remember ... “By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”
@ReneeWestberry The small changes of a few million would be massive. My personal drumbeat is how miserable most of consumer culture makes us - we aren't participating for OUR benefit. The more I drop from status quo lifestyle, the happier I am.
If we truly wanted any of it, they wouldn't have to spend trillions to sell it to us.
If we just decided to abstain - not out of asceticism or self-denial, but just from distaste, exhaustion, disinterest - things would change in very short order.
Marvellous creative commons poster available in English and French on best practices to #StopTheSpread of #COVID19, visualizing how #CovidIsAirborne and why it is so important both to #MaskUp and #CleanTheAir. Credits to I. Bauthian and R. Morse.
Is there still any use where disposable alkalines batteries are better than rechargeable?
I bought a pack of rechargeable AAs (Eneloop in the Sanyo days) in 2009 and I've been using them happily ever since, and some AAA (Eneloop post-Panasonic acquisition) sometime after that.
They take up a lot less space to store as most are in a device at any given time, they're easy to charge. Apparently the ecological costs break even by about fifty charges. Why are disposable batteries still a thing?
@antiaall3s@rybson Those in power recognize that revolutionary potential of mass public health efforts, which is why they're trying to bury any such impulses.
What I can't understand is those who say they want revolution and won't even dress for the occasion.
@inthehands Given the framing I expected this to be about reproductive coercion, but it’s about the next step in the process, when all the babies women were forced to bear at the cost of their own opportunities in life go on toward an adulthood in which their opportunities are likewise diminished.
@emilygorcenski Refusing to fund a studio who chose a known fash lead dev & selected art design deliberately based on WWII antisemitic propaganda posters, with flavor text fictionalizing real-life pogroms by year they occurred, seems like a good plan even in the absence of JKR involvement.