@lain > "It’s thirty years from now. We’re making progress, mitigating climate change, slowly but surely (except in China and India) > For young Americans a generation from now, climate change isn't controversial. It's just an overwhelming fact of life. And so are the great efforts to contain and mitigate it (except in China and India). Entire cities are being moved inland from the rising seas (except in China and India). Vast clean-energy projects are springing up everywhere (except in China and India). Disaster relief, the mitigation of floods and superstorms, has become a skill for which tens of millions of people are trained every year (except in China and India). The effort is global (except in China and India). It employs everyone who wants to work (except in China and India). Even when national politics oscillates back to right-wing leaders, the momentum is too great; these vast programs cannot be stopped in their tracks (except in China and India).
Sir, I have fixed and updated your book. That will be $5200, standard net-30 terms. 🤝
@teto@KnifeEar and under .local if Steam is not flatpak. Steam right-click option "Browse compatibility data" next to "Browse Local Files" NEVER EVER :alexjonescrying: :agummysob:
@MechaSilvio@IAMAL_PHARIUS You joke but I'm pretty sure I saw this guy during market day down there a couple years back during a vacation :pepe_monka_s: :chinaman:
There are people out there right now who haven't bought a gun. Can you imagine? :circleStareside: Anyway here's the world's sanest looking commie for no reason :circleStare:
@sickburnbro@clarissadelune@jeffcliff That's all thanks to my niggas Fritz and Carlos. Bitches don't know about no Nitrogen fixing. If you ever want to thank someone for all that FREE corn btw 🌽
@branman65@nugger@Orkin_Awk@BowsacNoodle Tools are tools. Humans are fallible. I only reject the boomerist, proggy view of relativism that doesn't let you call anything bad (someone might be enjoying it, you bigot!).
Looking at a person and saying "that thing you are doing is bad" is unimaginable to many people, maybe even a majority.
I built a 4 bit computer with wires and a big breadboard. It's not magic.
But fallible humans have impulses which can be negative. The use of AI has this negative impulse within it. "Oh you can trust it, it's a computer, oh you can just not understand it, it's fine, oh it's ok if it's owned by the rich and powerful they surely know better" and on and on. That's why I hope it's use is minimal and actual interested people do the bulk of the work on translation and piecing together this important bit of history.
This abdication of responsibility is wrong and sinful and if it is sinful why not call it demonic for a laugh? For a bit of ye olden shock factor? Maybe I should go look in a 600 page psychology textbook and find the correct, proper, materialist term invented in the late 19th century. :akarinShrug:
@nugger@branman65@Orkin_Awk@BowsacNoodle Yes, but the specter of AI looms over it although this happened back when it was still called "machine learning" and is limited to lining up pottery shards so I'm still hopeful the archaelogical autists are in charge and not demon computer form.
@icedquinn@lain I was out of the country on a rather outdoorsy vacation and met some germans and yes, they did work the conversation into politics within 20 minutes to imply that they weren't those types of german.
Like brother please. My knowledge of germany is sausage, pretzel, and singing ode to joy in elementary school. No one ever thinks you're a mid-20th-century german, trust me. :blobweary:
Only PrimitiveTechnology does things the proper way through the power of aussie autism. Everything else is a cheap copy to get ad money from poorly made searches. :blobcatthinksmart: