@dalias Oh, come the fuck on. Can we please stop with this bullshit? "Oh, my feelings are hurt because I'm not being catered to." That is only happening in your fevered imagination.
@BLTpizza It's actually $12.80. But the "inflation calculator" doesn't even begin to tell the whole story. In 1979 two friends and I rented a three-bedroom apartment on Charles Street in Boston. It cost $600/month. Today that apartment rents for $4,400/month.
If the price increased by only the rate of inflation, the rent would be $2,900/month.
@anildash I hate AI with heat of a thousand suns. It comes up as an issue for me primarily with searches. Does it matter whether you suggested search engines? It's a blight.
@anildash I'm sorry, AI blows chunks except in very, very narrow use categories - NONE of which include search engines used by the general public. AI is an information wrecking ball.
@alexglow@drahardja@pluralistic Have you people never seen "popular culture"? It's all disaster fantasy all the time. Murder! Mayhem! Horror!
The "problem" with rightwing assholes and tech bros (but I repeat myself) is not "disaster fantasy," it's that they're assholes who can't distinguish between "fantasy" and "real life."
So despite Google providing information about how to turn off their bullshit AI search results, you cannot actually turn off their bullshit AI search results!
Why am I not surprised?
I'm not seeing the point of using Google to search when what it provides is a synopsis of an accumulation of bad information cobbled together into bullshit "results" by Google's AI.
@Tengrain I'm sorry, I don't remember Democrats advocating violence against their opponents.
That would be Republicans.
Trump and his party created this situation. They're the ones who refuse to allow any kind of firearms regulation.
No one you're speaking to here has committed any political violence, and saying it will not stop Republicans from rounding up you or me or anyone who's a registered Democrat when Trump is elected.
@Susan_Larson_TN I don't either. I went through the Bridge Access website to make an appointment but it's confusing whether I'll be charged because it redirects to Walgreens to choose an appointment but says nothing about Bridge Access.
"NEVERTHELESS, SHE PERSISTED."Just because I follow you doesn't obligate you to follow me back. If I unfollow you or don't follow you after you follow me, it's just me, it's not you.