@nelson oh this is interesting, let me check it out! I’ve been meaning to write about this solo broadly, because I do think a lot of the hagiography of it is essentially just rockist/white gaze reading of his work, but I’m open to being wrong.
@mhoye I still do “coffees” (I don’t drink coffee) with early-career folks for this exact reason, when I could certainly do a zoom instead many times. There are often things they do not or cannot have on a wiki or in a Google Meet/Zoom, or where they rely on an intermediary to facilitate the intro in person — those are real aspects of community. We need to find ways to accommodate that reality.
@mhoye I get the broad social and political point you’re making, but I’m going to disagree with some of the specifics. I have people who have told me that the unscheduled space around structured parts of events was the only place that they, as marginalized people in the industry, could find access to talk to people who could open doors for them. Digital spaces require making things explicit & documented in a way that can exacerbate vulnerability. That’s a real thing.
Whether you're a small restaurant or not you have to ensure that you're not stealing your ingredients. So why is this any different?
What about the 1-2 person creative startups? Who is protecting their works in a society that devalues artists so much that "starving artist" is an expectation?
@Klassika@julien68 I do work at Fastly, though I am just one of many. But i will say it is unfathomable that people use a platform that surveils passwords without consent.
Recent Chris Hayes interview on Marc Maron podcast namechecks RSS, “Really Simple Syndication,” web pages, and open protocols. My girlfriend: “how’s it feel to hear your arguments parroted back to you?” Roughly 50 minutes in. #IndieWeb#RSShttps://www.wtfpod.com/podcast/episode-1621-chris-hayes
@johnzajac I'm not sure this is really true? Training can be relatively power-intensive, though this varies a lot. Usage is increasingly not that power-intensive, especially when efficient caching is in place, and overall the average consumer's impact is roughly in line with other activities that we don't generally critique, like video encoding or high-res video streaming. I agree with you about consent on content, but again... same issue with streaming content on (e.g.) YouTube.
Okay, after *years* of over-hype about AI, does the DeepSeek moment and the deflation of the AI bubble mean we can finally be normal about AI and treat it like any other tech, evaluating it on its pros and cons, and its actual utility? I wrote about how we might actually do that in our day jobs: https://www.fastly.com/blog/can-we-be-normal-about-ai-now-that-deepseek-happened
I’ll just add that if this story moved you, I hope it moved you to action. Some of my former coworkers are looking for jobs, if you’re hiring or know someone who is. Otherwise, at the bottom of my post there are some resources I’ll try to keep updated.
Ahead of Kendrick’s performance today, here’s a look back at the greatest halftime show ever, including the political, cultural & social messages Prince sent through his choice of songs and the story he was telling about Black music, ownership and creative control. https://anildash.com/2021/02/05/how-prince-won-the-super-bowl/
@mgs I’ve always built dev tools. I am going to have to play ball with Microsoft’s monopoly on that space whether I want to or not, if I ever want to build in that market again. And there is _zero_ chance the Trump administration is allowing any winners in any Musk-adjacent markets through any mechanism other than corruption. It’s textbook strongman authoritarianism. Same goes for anti-competes, any worker rights are already being gutted. (And unions, though that’s not Khan’s purvey.)
@mgs think you’re off on this, and misreading some of this stuff in a way that only VCs seem to be doing. Zuck spent an hour on Rogan arguing that the government won’t let him innovate on AI, you say it’s very easily possible to make new AI startups right now. She’s countering his bullshit. Maybe you’re mad at him, not her? The industry is not better for every market being pre-decided by which big player can spend the most, either hyper-investing or tying & bundling.